There seems to be the opinion of many that a "real computer" is only one that can restore itself in case of a crash. I've seen multiple people say that because an iPad Pro needs another computer to revive itself from a crash, then it is not a computer.
By that logic, then is a iMac Pro considered a computer?
Based on this trend, I would guess all Macs will be like this soon. Is it a problem? Maybe for some of you. I've been using both macs and iOS devices for 10+ years now, and I have never had a crash that required a full restore. But I take care of my computers and keep them organized. I would guess more people have hardware issues that require service than have software issues that require a full restore. But maybe I'm wrong.... I've seen quite a few clueless people over the years who don't know how to use their computers and always mess stuff up.
There seems to be the opinion of many that a "real computer" is only one that can restore itself in case of a crash. I've seen multiple people say that because an iPad Pro needs another computer to revive itself from a crash, then it is not a computer.
By that logic, then is a iMac Pro considered a computer?
Based on this trend, I would guess all Macs will be like this soon. Is it a problem? Maybe for some of you. I've been using both macs and iOS devices for 10+ years now, and I have never had a crash that required a full restore. But I take care of my computers and keep them organized. I would guess more people have hardware issues that require service than have software issues that require a full restore. But maybe I'm wrong.... I've seen quite a few clueless people over the years who don't know how to use their computers and always mess stuff up.