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macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
I am getting a 40D in a few days and I need some new CF cards.
Is this card any good?? Costco has it onsale next weekend for $40

I find Sandisk to be my most trusted cards. I had a lexar 2gb and it failed on me, their recovery feature also failed. Knock on wood but my SD has been great and for a 4gb that is a great price. Got a link to the costco sale?

Roy Hobbs

macrumors 68000
Original poster
Apr 29, 2005
I find Sandisk to be my most trusted cards. I had a lexar 2gb and it failed on me, their recovery feature also failed. Knock on wood but my SD has been great and for a 4gb that is a great price. Got a link to the costco sale?

No I don't have a link, they were handing out coupon books and it was in there.

What about the speed on this card?? Can anyone comment on that.

Roy Hobbs

macrumors 68000
Original poster
Apr 29, 2005
I think it would be 60x -- fairly slow compared to the 133x and even 300x speeds common today.....

What type of speeds do cameras like the REbel XTI and the 40D write??

If the don't write at anything higher than 60x than that would be a good card.

I looked around and don't see any info on write speed of the camera

Lord Blackadder

macrumors P6
May 7, 2004
Sod off
I ended up doing some research when buying my Rebel XT and found that the Sandisk Extreme series was overkill since the Rebel XT's max write speed was significantly slower than the Extreme series'. I ended up getting a 2GB Ultra II series, which is a better match for my camera body.

EDIT: I should mention that the Rebel XT is capable of shooting about 3fps in burst mode, and I have achieved that with the 2GB Ultra II without any pauses, even in RAW mode.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 11, 2004
Essex, U.K.
I use a 1gb one of these cards in my D2H, it can easily do its maximum of 26 shots at 8fps in RAW (6.5mb per picture) without pausing to let the card catch up.

You should be alright.



May 10, 2004
That a great site, but nowhere do a see anything related to write times as it is displayed on the card (80x, 60x, etc....)

All this gives me is times in seconds

You can see that the Lexar 133x gives top performance for this camera, and if you searched you would see that the SanDisk which is not performing so well is a 133x card.

The Extreme IV, which is a 250x card fares almost no better than the Lexar 133x, so it's overkill.


macrumors 68000
Nov 4, 2003
there is another consideration: your card reader's speed.

I have an original digital rebel, and when shooting raw, even the 133x card starts dragging quickly.

But I notice a big difference when copying files to my hard drive because the card reader I got is so fast.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
I am getting a 40D in a few days and I need some new CF cards.
Is this card any good?? Costco has it onsale next weekend for $40

You can't go wrong with that one. No need for a faster one and San Disk is a top company in the field.

But you know what? even the cheapest cards work as well. Only a couple companies make the memory all the brands you see just package and market the same memory. It's like hard disk drives and LCD monitors... there are only a very few factories in the world where they are made. But many, many brands.

Roy Hobbs

macrumors 68000
Original poster
Apr 29, 2005
You can't go wrong with that one. No need for a faster one and San Disk is a top company in the field.

But you know what? even the cheapest cards work as well. Only a couple companies make the memory all the brands you see just package and market the same memory. It's like hard disk drives and LCD monitors... there are only a very few factories in the world where they are made. But many, many brands.

I'm not worried about the brand. I am concerned with the speed of the card.
My current Digital Rebel can't handle a ton of RAW files shot in a row. It gets backed up writing to the card and I am unable to take pictures until it clear up some buffer space. I want to make sure this doesnt happen with my new camera


macrumors regular
Jun 14, 2003
in a country
I would take advantage of that price; it's a reliable card more than fast enough for an XTi. I don't know how that person gets 6 fps on his XT; mine only gets 3.

Roy Hobbs

macrumors 68000
Original poster
Apr 29, 2005
I would take advantage of that price; it's a reliable card more than fast enough for an XTi. I don't know how that person gets 6 fps on his XT; mine only gets 3.

I'm getting a 40D not the XTI
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