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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 21, 2003
I have been thinking of diving into the Digital SLR world for a long time now. I have a few major events coming up in my life and I want to make sure that I capture them as best I can (wedding/honeymoon, and a child soon after). I tend to shoot more landscapes and macro than sports.

Here is what I am looking at:

Nikon D70s, 6.1 Megapixel, SLR, Digital Camera Kit with 18-70mm DX Zoom Nikkor Lens and 55-200 DX Zoom Nikkor Lens

Price: $1079.99

Of course I would get a flash and a good 2GB card on top of this, but I just wanted your opinions on this kit.




macrumors regular
Mar 12, 2005
Looks pretty good. It's a little better price here. Although this is more of a starter kit for less $.

If I had to do it over again, I'd probably go with the D50 body and the 18-200mm VR lens to start with.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 21, 2003
peterparker said:
Looks pretty good. It's a little better price here. Although this is more of a starter kit for less $.

If I had to do it over again, I'd probably go with the D50 body and the 18-200mm VR lens to start with.

While the D50 would be considered more of a "starter" DSLR than the D70s, the D70s feels much better in my hands. Being 6'5", I have very large hands and the extra size/features of the D70s make it seem like the better camera for me.

How reliable is Adorama? I have purchased from B&H many many times and am very comfortable with them.

Thanks for the input,


macrumors member
Dec 12, 2004
That's exactly the package I bought from Adorama a month or so ago. For the most part I'm really pleased with it. I love the camera, and the 18-70 is a very nice lens. The 55-200 leaves a little to be desired in all honesty in terms of speed and response, so unless you don't have any more cash and you need the extra reach right now, I would consider getting something a little nicer. What I would probably have done in retrospect is to get the body plus the 18-200 VR that everyone is talking about for a little bit more - but you get all that focal length in one lens plus VR.


macrumors 65816
Jun 17, 2003
Cincinnati, OH
Brian Hickman said:
How reliable is Adorama? I have purchased from B&H many many times and am very comfortable with them.

I have heard mixed reviews about Adorama. If it was me, I would pay a little more and buy it from B&H. I haven't had any issues with them and they always ship quick.

Frank (Atlanta)

macrumors regular
Oct 29, 2004
I was in a similar situation a couple of years ago (pending birth of our first child). Some thoughts:

1. I bought a D70 with kit lens. Great camera and I still use it. I've since upgraded, but the D70 is excellent. How you feel about it may depend upon what type of camera(s) you've been using, etc. Send me a PM if you'd like further info.

2. Re: Adorama, et al - sure you know about Adorama has apparently slipped quite a bit in the last few months. I've had terrific service from B&H Photo and have heard terrific things about Berger Bros. These 2 don't have the lowest prices, but their service is outstanding (i.e.: better than my local B&M shops).

3. Looks like you're interested in a Nikon body - check-out a couple of other websites: and

4. Good call on going digital given some of your upcoming "life events". I loved film (still do), but with the vast quantity of photos you'll take (esp with a newborn), digital is a great way to catalog your photos. Look into some good cataloging software (I like iView Media).

Good luck,


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
Brian Hickman said:
I have been thinking of diving into the Digital SLR world for a long time now. I have a few major events coming up in my life and I want to make sure that I capture them as best I can (wedding/honeymoon, and a child soon after). I tend to shoot more landscapes and macro than sports.

Here is what I am looking at:

Nikon D70s, 6.1 Megapixel, SLR, Digital Camera Kit with 18-70mm DX Zoom Nikkor Lens and 55-200 DX Zoom Nikkor Lens

Price: $1079.99

Of course I would get a flash and a good 2GB card on top of this, but I just wanted your opinions on this kit.



You can buy the D50 with the same lens. I like the 18-70. Thr D50 really is the same camera as the D70 except for some minor features that you have to decide is you need or not. Put the money you save into a tripod or something

I'd wait on buying a second lens. that tele-zoom is not as usfull as you might think. and that one is not the best Nikon has ever made. You might be better off with a wide angle zoom or a very fast prime lens like the 50mm f/1.4 or f/1.8. You say yoou want to shoot macro. Maybe the 60mm macro lens.

Just get the 18-70 and then keep track of what you are missing and get the lens that covers that.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
tykles said:
The 55-200 leaves a little to be desired in all honesty in terms of speed and response, so unless you don't have any more cash and you need the extra reach right now,

For about the same money you can buy a used 70-210 f/5.6 It is better made and faster focusing and better optically too. It covers full frame. But it's been discontinued


macrumors 6502
May 8, 2005
i was in a very similar situation, and just bought my rig last week.

I went for the 18-200 lens ($699) but this is hard to find, and might take some patience. it is a wonderful lens.

i went for a used d70s off of craigslist from someone who seemed very reputable. another good route might be the for sale forums at, or (last one requires 25 posts before you can see the for sale forum). mine was $400

the reason i went this route is that 18-200 lens is really good, covers an enormous range, and really lets you figure out your shooting style. i will now invest in a few good primes in the ranges i shoot the most.

i went for the used back figuring i will most likely want to get a new one in a year or two anyway.

for a similar price, i think this is a much better set up than the kit you mentioned. if you do want to go new, just get the 18-70 lens (it is a great lens, just as sharp as any non pro lens) and skip the 55-200. if you want that range, buy a 135 or 200 prime.

but do get it! you will love it.

btw, adorama is just as established as b&h. also check out 17th photo or roberts imaging.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 21, 2003
Thanks for all of the input guys. I have heard and read a lot about the 18-200 lens, but I just can seem to get my hands on it to test (and $700 is a lot to spend blindly). Maybe I will do another tour of the Ritz Cameras in the area to see if any of them got one in.

Also, what kind of filters do you use on a regular basis. I assume that most people have something on for protection, but how do polarizers work with the 18-200? Is there a significant loss is sharpness?



macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
Brian Hickman said:
Thanks for all of the input guys. I have heard and read a lot about the 18-200 lens, but I just can seem to get my hands on it to test

The lens is in short supply and as you'd guess when supply is short no one will discount it. So you will be on a wait list and pay full price. Zooms with this large of a range have for years had a poor reputation for optical quality but word in the Nikon has solved this problem and surprized everyone. Reports are that the lens is very good within it's specs, meaning don't expect it to compete with a 70-200 f/2.8 VR but on the

I would still sugest shooting with the smaller lens until you see what it is you need. Shoot a couple thousand images them look at them critically and then decide what lens would give you an improvment

A better place to ask about this lens is on I've even seen a few for sale there.
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