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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 15, 2010
hello guys :)

im planning on buying the 27 inch imac 3,06-GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB RAM
& ATI Radeon HD 4670 grafische processor met 256 MB

my questions:

1) Will graphical programs run smoothly? ( photoshop CS4, afther effects CS4, final cut pro )

2) If i instal win7 on bootcamp, would the programs i mentioned above also worked as good as in mac or would the run a bit slower?

3)is this iMAc good for gaming through bootcamp? :D

i hope you guys can help me out..i think this imac is good enouhg or should i go with the i5 or i7 one?:)
If you do a lot After Effects work and gaming, I would squeeze some extra money for i5 and ATI 4850. It's definitely worth it
If you do a lot After Effects work and gaming, I would squeeze some extra money for i5 and ATI 4850. It's definitely worth it

What he said, for what its going to cost you extra its worth it. Plus really its the graphics card you will benefit from initially and as more programs are written to exploit the i5/i7 processors you'll be in a good position to take advantage.:D
Agreed with the i5/4850, the Core2Duo will be seen as very much entry level soon and more apps/games will be optimized for quad core cpu's, plus when OpenCl support starts appearing in programs you will see much more benefits from the higher end Radeon.
do final cut pro, afther effects CS4 or photoshop CS4 use the full potential of the core i5 or core i7?
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