Ohhh dear.
NewEgg don't guarantee Mac compatibility, and they can charge you restocking if it doesn't work and you want a refund (and according to PCWorld's customer survey, NE charge restocking fees twice as often as the industry average). Buyer beware.
18004memory (Coast to Coast Memory) knows Macs and guarantees Mac compatibility. The company has been in business for 13 years (not as long as us
, but WAY longer than NewEgg), they have a 30 day money back guarantee, and no restocking charge if they recommended the RAM for your particular model. They have a 94% approval rating on resellerratings.com. They are not "dodgy" in the least. I would have no hesitation in doing business with them.
iW00t: Another erroneous and/or uninformed post. If you don't know what you are talking about, do us a favor and don't post.
SanibelMan: If you are in the USA, also have a look at
Data Memory Systems - they have 2 Gb kits at US$218 and US$158