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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 21, 2005
I'm looking to buy a new camera, and I just found this place that has extremely low prices. I don't know if it's legitimate though. Are there any security people out there? What do you guys think?

I'm kinda being "forced" to buy a new camera, preferably a D70 or D50, so this sure is tempting!


EDIT: I just found out they're involved in a host of lawsuits for not selling the people the product they paid for, unless they buy a $100 manual and a buch of other crap. Ruins my fantasy :mad:

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
For the most part, any price much lower than your local retailer is suspect.

Yes, I work for a camera shop; but people need to start looking at service and support over price in their buying choices.


macrumors G5
Mar 20, 2003
Bay Area
Chip NoVaMac said:
Yes, I work for a camera shop; but people need to start looking at service and support over price in their buying choices.

No offense to you, but I've never needed service or support on any camera I've owned. I'll take my chances with a significantly lower price.

Chip NoVaMac

macrumors G3
Dec 25, 2003
Northern Virginia
QCassidy352 said:
No offense to you, but I've never needed service or support on any camera I've owned. I'll take my chances with a significantly lower price.

And no offense to you - but local dealers should/could work on on your behalf on rebate issues and long term warranty issues. Not all buyers are as lucky as you have been.

In the end don't abuse local dealers to get a look at gear you will only end up buying for the lowest price. And surely don't go in with questions as to how to work your camera. And above all, don't abuse us when we give you the bad news that we can't support your needs.


macrumors G5
Mar 20, 2003
Bay Area
Chip NoVaMac said:
And no offense to you - but local dealers should/could work on on your behalf on rebate issues and long term warranty issues. Not all buyers are as lucky as you have been.

In the end don't abuse local dealers to get a look at gear you will only end up buying for the lowest price. And surely don't go in with questions as to how to work your camera. And above all, don't abuse us when we give you the bad news that we can't support your needs.

The last time I bought a camera, I went to several local (near Philly) dealers and none of them did squat as far as using rebates or warranties to sell me on buying from them. Maybe they just weren't very good at their business.

I don't need any advice on using cameras, and I would never expect a dealer (or anyone else) to service a product I didn't buy from him/her unless I paid fair money for that service when I needed it.

I understand that dealers offer a lot that cheapo online places do not, but at least for me, it's not enough to offset the rather significant price difference. I'm sure many other people feel differently, and I certainly don't fault them for doing so. Of course my way is more of a gamble, as is forgoing any insurance or extended warranty. It works out for some people, and some people get bitten in the butt. I'll take my chances.


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
I would not use them at all.

QCassidy352 said:
The last time I bought a camera, I went to several local (near Philly) dealers and none of them did squat as far as using rebates or warranties to sell me on buying from them. Maybe they just weren't very good at their business.

I don't need any advice on using cameras, and I would never expect a dealer (or anyone else) to service a product I didn't buy from him/her unless I paid fair money for that service when I needed it.

I understand that dealers offer a lot that cheapo online places do not, but at least for me, it's not enough to offset the rather significant price difference. I'm sure many other people feel differently, and I certainly don't fault them for doing so. Of course my way is more of a gamble, as is forgoing any insurance or extended warranty. It works out for some people, and some people get bitten in the butt. I'll take my chances.
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