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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Apr 26, 2008
i was wondering if it would be possible to take say a 3.0 firmware file and mod it so that you can replace the files in there with your own like the UIsounds, so that you could restore with the newly created firmware and not have the "supposed" jailbreak lag.

i know it sounds like alot of work for such little reward but then people could start adding there own applications or removing ones they dont want ie backgrounder or stocks
i was wondering if it would be possible to take say a 3.0 firmware file and mod it so that you can replace the files in there with your own like the UIsounds, so that you could restore with the newly created firmware and not have the "supposed" jailbreak lag.

i know it sounds like alot of work for such little reward but then people could start adding there own applications or removing ones they dont want ie backgrounder or stocks

Well. Your question has problem itself. Some people say it lags when they JB but some say they don't. I believe JB won't lag iPhone. It's what you download that lags the iPhone. Applications like Winterboard and SBSetting 'should' lag iPhone.

It's possible to mod firmware but would people do it rather than JB? Probably not. It's like people using custom firmware in PSP. If you've read enough then you would have realize that people have been changing the stock files (themes, icons, sounds,etc) to custom made ones through SSH. They don't use Winterboard for it because it lags; rather they completely change the OEM files.
Well. Your question has problem itself. Some people say it lags when they JB but some say they don't. I believe JB won't lag iPhone. It's what you download that lags the iPhone. Applications like Winterboard and SBSetting 'should' lag iPhone.

how about the old bosspref?
Well. Your question has problem itself. Some people say it lags when they JB but some say they don't. I believe JB won't lag iPhone. It's what you download that lags the iPhone. Applications like Winterboard and SBSetting 'should' lag iPhone.

It's possible to mod firmware but would people do it rather than JB? Probably not. It's like people using custom firmware in PSP. If you've read enough then you would have realize that people have been changing the stock files (themes, icons, sounds,etc) to custom made ones through SSH. They don't use Winterboard for it because it lags; rather they completely change the OEM files.

no i know people use SSH i have used SSH myself, what i am talking about is modding the firmware file itself so that if you restore using your modded firmware the custom sounds and settings will restore with it.
no i know people use SSH i have used SSH myself, what i am talking about is modding the firmware file itself so that if you restore using your modded firmware the custom sounds and settings will restore with it.

So you want someone to write a custom firmware package for phone ?

Thats what redsn0w and the maroon rain thing do, isn't it.

Who would decide what parts would be changed ?

Everyone is gonna want different things.
this is exactly what folks on windows mobile do. they are "chefs" that have their own custom roms that they "cook" in their "kitchens". instead of adding things piece by piece like iPhone, they just restore with a whole new rom, "cooking" the features they want into it. it's a pretty cool idea, but i prefer the jailbreak/ssh/cydia route.
So you want someone to write a custom firmware package for phone ?

Thats what redsn0w and the maroon rain thing do, isn't it.

Who would decide what parts would be changed ?

Everyone is gonna want different things.

what i am talking about to be a bit more specific is to find away to change the origional firmware without having to install it so that you can change the files around to your liking. like the below quoted poster has stated.

this is exactly what folks on windows mobile do. they are "chefs" that have their own custom roms that they "cook" in their "kitchens". instead of adding things piece by piece like iPhone, they just restore with a whole new rom, "cooking" the features they want into it. it's a pretty cool idea SNIP
i was wondering if it would be possible to take say a 3.0 firmware file and mod it so that you can replace the files in there with your own like the UIsounds, so that you could restore with the newly created firmware and not have the "supposed" jailbreak lag.

i know it sounds like alot of work for such little reward but then people could start adding there own applications or removing ones they dont want ie backgrounder or stocks

yes it's possible. Your basicly talking about making custom firmware. I don't notice any lag so just jailbreak with redsn0w.
what i am talking about to be a bit more specific is to find away to change the origional firmware without having to install it so that you can change the files around to your liking. like the below quoted poster has stated.

Having lots of PPC experience, that is exactly what I was saying.

Each person has to open the ROM and strip it of the parts they do not want, so it is a "personal" package.

The difference with that and what I believe you are asking is generally many people only load the absolute minimum items back into the ROM so the PPC or Smartphone will function.

All the other mods are done similar to what we now do, rewrite the original system files.

My point remains, everyone is gong to want something different as far as the mods (add on, bells & whistles), but yes, someone could write a stripped down version of the firmware.

But as to adding on stuff, too many different choices to find a norm.
I suppose you could, by why? :)

I use themes with Winterboard and I have no lag. Then again, I pretty much make my own themes. You can try the same of if you don't want to use WInterboard, maybe make a folder to SSH everything over at once. Of course, I would back up the stock original files first but you can just transfer it, essentially performing the same actions you are looking for.
Having lots of PPC experience, that is exactly what I was saying.

Each person has to open the ROM and strip it of the parts they do not want, so it is a "personal" package.

The difference with that and what I believe you are asking is generally many people only load the absolute minimum items back into the ROM so the PPC or Smartphone will function.

All the other mods are done similar to what we now do, rewrite the original system files.

My point remains, everyone is gong to want something different as far as the mods (add on, bells & whistles), but yes, someone could write a stripped down version of the firmware.

But as to adding on stuff, too many different choices to find a norm.
But the point is it can be done yes
I suppose you could, by why? :)

I use themes with Winterboard and I have no lag. Then again, I pretty much make my own themes. You can try the same of if you don't want to use WInterboard, maybe make a folder to SSH everything over at once. Of course, I would back up the stock original files first but you can just transfer it, essentially performing the same actions you are looking for.

yes but let's just say for arguments sake all I want is custom sounds and nothing else no cydia or anything
This is what Pwnage Tool is for.

pwnage tool creates a custom firmware by means of letting you alter the files installed by the firmware? Does it install cydia? Or does it just create the firmware?
yes but let's just say for arguments sake all I want is custom sounds and nothing else no cydia or anything

2 points

1) Seems silly to rewrite a firmware rom (just for you) to only change sounds

2) Other than ringtones, the iPhone firmware does not recognize the custom names of Messages sounds (in sound settings), so you can insert 6 different SMS sounds, but the names still show up as the stock Apple sounds. So you could fix the firmware to show the custom sound names/descriptions, but then every time you changed sounds, you would have to fix the firmware to reflect the correct names of any new sounds you put in. Seems like way too much work.

But it is possible as you said.

Heck, I saw a video of an iPhone running on linux, so anything is possible with loads of time and no other life.
I wonder if someone has ever thought to make a program so that it essentialy views the firmware package as you would were you to ssh into the phone.

Never used pwnage tool so don't know if that's what it does
yes but let's just say for arguments sake all I want is custom sounds and nothing else no cydia or anything

Thanks for asking this question. I just got my iPhone last week and was going to ask this same exact question. I have no desire to customize with themes or anything, I simply want to change my New Mail and New Voicemail sounds.

Is the image used during a "Restore" through iTunes stored on the computer somewhere? If so it seems like it might be easy to just swap out the sounds in this image file and then do a restore.

I'd love to be able to get these minor customizations done with out having to Jailbreak.
I wonder if someone has ever thought to make a program so that it essentialy views the firmware package as you would were you to ssh into the phone.

Change the ipsw extension to zip.

There you go.

What you're saying is completely possible and I did something similar by changing the dock image files in the firmware and the restoring it. However, it will ONLY work if your phone is pwned.
pwnage tool creates a custom firmware by means of letting you alter the files installed by the firmware? Does it install cydia? Or does it just create the firmware?

It lets you alter the firmware. You'd have to create apt packages that do what you want, and it installs Cydia if you choose ... but yeah, Pwnage is the ONLY way as of yet that will let you create a customized firmware package for the iPhone/iPod touch.
yes but let's just say for arguments sake all I want is custom sounds and nothing else no cydia or anything
So just do custom sounds? You'd need to install OpenSSH and then just transfer the sound files. I pretty much focus on sounds when I make my themes. Keep Cydia tho as both SSH and Cydia will not have any performance impacts on your device.
Change the ipsw extension to zip.

There you go.

What you're saying is completely possible and I did something similar by changing the dock image files in the firmware and the restoring it. However, it will ONLY work if your phone is pwned.

i tried changing the extension to .zip but no luck finding the correct paths to the UISounds

It lets you alter the firmware. You'd have to create apt packages that do what you want, and it installs Cydia if you choose ... but yeah, Pwnage is the ONLY way as of yet that will let you create a customized firmware package for the iPhone/iPod touch.

is this a hard process?

So just do custom sounds? You'd need to install OpenSSH and then just transfer the sound files. I pretty much focus on sounds when I make my themes. Keep Cydia tho as both SSH and Cydia will not have any performance impacts on your device.

the whole poinr of this is to have the scustom sounds and not need to jailbreak to get them, i know how to openSSH i have done it lots before i was simply trying to avoid jailbreaking.

my camera app has gone wonky since i jailbroke my iphone.
the whole poinr of this is to have the scustom sounds and not need to jailbreak to get them, i know how to openSSH i have done it lots before i was simply trying to avoid jailbreaking.

my camera app has gone wonky since i jailbroke my iphone.
The whole point is you can't without jailbreaking. You can't just replace files, the firmware is digitally signed and checks to make sure all is ok when loaded. Jailbreaking is needed to get around these checks.
The whole point is you can't without jailbreaking. You can't just replace files, the firmware is digitally signed and checks to make sure all is ok when loaded. Jailbreaking is needed to get around these checks.

that sucks i was hoping that there would be away to mod the firmware with custom files and use that as a restore, but i guess not
What does PwnageTool 3.0 do, does it allow you to edit the firmware restore image?

I downloaded the IPSW file but of course the DMG's inside require a password to open. Not sure if this is even on the right track or not, forgive the iPhone newbiness.
What does PwnageTool 3.0 do, does it allow you to edit the firmware restore image?

I downloaded the IPSW file but of course the DMG's inside require a password to open. Not sure if this is even on the right track or not, forgive the iPhone newbiness.

For more on pwnage tool:

As for the IPSW, you don't open it up. :)
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