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macrumors member
Original poster
May 24, 2009
The Nasty Apple, Taxachusetts
I understand that the Dev team has not released an unlock for 2.2.1. I'm overwhelmed with all the different answers there are to this question. I've seen alot of ads online to pay to unlock 2.2.1 and I'm sure they're bogus. I am selling my 3G and have been told that an unlocked phone will be worth more. My phone has never been used or activated since it's been replaced under warranty. I am using my Blackberry until iPhone 3rd gen drops. So I'd appreciate any info or advice anyone could give me about this. Is it possible to unlock, and if so should I even bother. BTW, though phone hasn't been activated or used Apple now automatically updates the baseband when they send you a new phone. Thanks.:confused::confused::confused:
Does Yellowsn0w not work with 2.2.1? I didn't know that. If you haven't yet heard of Yellowsn0w, it is on Cydia and should unlock your iPhone.
yellowsn0w does work on 2.2.1.
You must have bootloader 5.08 to be able to downgrade your baseband(fuzzyband) from 2.30.03(2.2.1) to 2.28.xx(2.2).

Unlock tut
Having the at&t sim card should activate the iphone.

Downgrading the baseband was easy, following the tutorial word for word.

Someone who doesn't know how to unlock and jailbreak the iphone may pay a little more than a locked iphone.
I am looking to do the same thing and any help would be helpful, I just got my phone replaced and need to unlocked it.

any guides, I also have baseband 2.30.03

thanks in advance.

I just installed fuzzyband downgrader and I have bootloader 06.02 baseband 02.30.03, any way to do the unlock even if it's hardware like a turbo card or something? please help. thanks.
Is there any determining factor for which bootloader you have?

Is it thrown in with firmware?

Is it by the manufacture date of the phone?
Is there any determining factor for which bootloader a given phone might have without going through all the SSH BS?

Is it thrown in with firmware?

Is it by the manufacture date of the phone?
It is by the manufacturing date. Apple has changed the bootloader 3 times I think. The most recent/current is 6.02. Then there is 5.9 and 5.8.

I believe that the 5.8 is only for phones manufactured around September 2008 or before.

So if you have an iPhone manufactured after October-ish 2008 with 2.2.1/2.30.03 baseband then you're pretty much out of luck for unlocking as of now.

There's always turbosim but I hear they are CRAP-PAY.
A friend of mine with 2.2.1 just got Turbosim and it works great. It is not JB but he can use other Sims while traveling.
May be it's possible

I just spoke to a person who said he'll be able to unlock iPhone 3G 2.2.1 BL 6.02, at last I've found someone who's atleast promising it, he's assuring a new phone replacement if he can't do it, but he also stated he might have to open the phone and play with it, which I am little reluctant about but I am sick of looking at a dead phone so I'll have to take a chance, he is a renouned and trusted mobile engineer in our area, I am supposed to visit him tomorrow let's see if it works, I'll update you all this Monday if it works. Thanks
So if you have an iPhone manufactured after October-ish 2008 with 2.2.1/2.30.03 baseband then you're pretty much out of luck for unlocking as of now.

Does anyone know the way to look up manufacture date with the serial? I know part of it tells me, but I don't know which bit!
Yeah, I'll use the serial from my replaced iPhone as an example


8 - Is the year it was built (2008)
46 - Is the week in 2008 that it was built (about mid-November)
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