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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 3, 2008
Been searching for a solution for selling my CDs on eBay, using the iSight on my iMac to scan the barcodes. Have a few hundred, and manually putting in the info does not appeal(!)

Have tried Garagesale, but the barcode scanner just does not work (or I have failed to get it working), and the forums on that site are not helpful. The developer says it works, but there are plenty other users in the same boat who can't get it to scan via the iSight.

I have Delicious Library 2, but that doesn't integrate to eBay, though the scanner works.

Does anyone have a solution to either DL2-to-eBay or another working iSight-barcode-to-eBay option?

Bit frustrated, as have tried a few things, none seem viable.

You need a special barcode reader to scan barcodes... you cant use the isight.
Yep I tried too with garage sale, you are suppose to be able to scan it with the isight , i also have tried, let me know if you get it working.
I know Delicious Library 2 Reads bar codes - Its just matter of if it puts it on eBay or not....
Ah thanks, I was pretty sure Garagesale was compatible with iSight as a barcode scanner, but it's not explicit on their website. Developer mentions in the forums that it *does* work, but plenty of users are having problems, and suggest CueCat scanner.

Oh well, thought there would be an integrated solution - seems like such an obvious application.

Delicious Library 2 has a great isight barcode reader - and grabs the info from Amazon... but doesn't then integrate with eBay. Frustrating indeed...
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