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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 30, 2006
My friends have just recently got new Macbooks and have spent a fair amount of time iChatting with each other. When two people enter a video iChat (just a sender and receiver) the image is very clear for both computer. But when a third person jumps in, the picture gets instantly fuzzy. Any reason for this or if it is fix-able?
When you say fuzzy, do you mean kinda noticeable or really can't see anything anymore? Is it useable I guess is what I'm asking.

I know that video chat over iChat has certain bandwidth requirements, and possibly one of the 3 of you don't have a fast enough internet connection to have better quality video (or maybe someone should turn off their bittorrents).

You might want to try out Skype, it just released a new version that supports iSights. And the audio chat on it is much better than iChat.
next time i'm with them I will take a screenshot. it is useable and the two person chat looks great. But when that third person comes in, the image gets incredibly fuzzy.
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