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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 30, 2005
Hey guys!
So, I'm considering an iSkin evo3, but I am concerned that they attract lint or dust. Can anyone confirm or deny these suspicions for me? The answer will probably determine whether or not I purchase one. :)

Yes iSkins do attract dust (not as much as the previous ones), but it wipes off easily. If you're in a hurry, a droplet of water on your finger wipes it all off. If you have a few bucks extra to spare... iSkin Claro
I can't say about the duo but I have two iSkin Vibe's and they are the coolest iPod covers I've ever found. My only complaint is the white on one of them has gotten dirty. It would have been nice if the back had a glossy coating like the front. The pink one I have looks about as good as it did when I got it. The plastic is fairly rigid and doesn't attract any lint or dust but it is pliable enough that you dont feel like you'll break it when you pull it off (which you have to do to sync on the shuffle).
i have a black evo3 for my 60GB ipod video, it is kind of a love/hate relationship.

i love the look of the case, and i love how it protects my ipod.

i hate how much dust it atracts and what a pain to take the ipod in and out of the case ( the dust does come off easy however )

that being said, i would still recommend it, and i like mine a lot.
( kinda wish i got the wasabi green one for a splash of color though )
I considered the Claro but I want something that will fit in the Universal Dock.

So, if you think the iSkin attracts too much dust, anyone have an opinion on something else that might not?
I have the Marware TrailVue for video 5g. I like it very much. It's different.
I would recommend the Claro for a white iPod Video. Try it on a black one too.
The reason I did not like the iSkin was because I bought an iSkin keyboard cover for my Powerbook 2 years ago. It reminds me the lint filter of a dryer. For my new MacBook Pro I am using the marware protection pack.
I have a red iSkin, and it usually lives in my purse / bag with tons of other stuff. I really don't find that it picks up that much lint or dust. It protects my iPod much better than the first case I had, so I'm happy with it.
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