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macrumors 68000
Original poster
May 2, 2012
Looking for an app that will track how many days past since a task was done such as:
- oil change
- furnace filter replacement
- dishwasher cleanup

An app that will keep its data in cloud so I can access in multiple devices.

Ideally one that would let me share info with another user.

Sort of like calendar items "but backwards".
personally i do the following.....

1.) oil change - i reset one of my two trip odometers when i change my oil
2.) air filter - i write on a small piece of paper in the flip lid of the thermostat. also, the thermostat has a built in replacement indicator at 3 month intervals
3.) dishwasher cleanup? just do it as needed.

not sure if i would need an app to remember these things. maybe you can use the reminder app or notes app.
Sound like very useful app

I would definetly download it, since I have 2 cars and I always forget what oil in each car and when I changed these parts last time
I used to write it down on small piece of papers, but it's not very convenient you don't always have a pen and a paper with you...
Also it will be useful if it will send each update on the email
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