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macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 23, 2011
If you can't bother reading the whole review, just scroll to the bottom. This review is on note with how the industry feels. Apple take note. ;)

Review Here.
Everyone wants bigger phones and smaller tablets.... what is going on???

It's a strange trend in my mind. I think a lot of it is hardware makers trying to offerings that are unique as software on most tablets tend to be very similar(and the differences with things like HTC Sense and Samsung's TouchWiz tending to ruining Android, at least for me)

While I think 3.5" is a bit small as the only choice for phone size(although I'm above average size, so I can fit a 4.5" phone in my pocket without issue), but devices like the Note are even too large for me.

Although choice certainly isn't a bad thing, more so when the market is so new and evolving, by giving people so many choices, we will see where the majority of the market ends up.

(I will say I give credit to Apple for putting focus on their ecosystem as well as pixel density, which are definetly major features for me. Although I could deal with a 4.3" phone from Apple with 1280 x 1920, which would allow for the same solution from when Apple went from 320×480 to 640 to 960 although I haven't seen any hardware that could do that, but hopefully. And while the PDI might be higher then needed by our eyes, it certainly can't hurt.
Everyone wants bigger phones and smaller tablets.... what is going on???

I think it's a case of devices evolving to fit what people use them most for these days.

The trend is that people are using phones far less for voice calls, and much more for visual media (internet apps, gaming, browsing, videos, typewritten communications) with finger/pen interaction.

So they primarily want the largest screen tablet that can fit in most pockets, along with phone capabilities.
Although choice certainly isn't a bad thing, more so when the market is so new and evolving, by giving people so many choices, we will see where the majority of the market ends up.

I think it's a case of devices evolving to fit what people use them most for these days.

The trend is that people are using phones far less for voice calls, and much more for visual media (internet apps, gaming, browsing, videos, typewritten communications) with finger/pen interaction.

So they primarily want the largest screen tablet that can fit in most pockets, along with phone capabilities.

I generally agree with both of you -- I just find it fascinating that the hardware manufacturers are trying to find a one-size-fits-all device. It's more beneficial for them to keep a clear delineation between phone size and tablet size. Consumers feel the need to purchase two devices instead of one.

I also believe companies not named Apple are at this point throwing a bunch of things at the wall and hoping something sticks. Be it screen size, s-pens, software, what have you.

Maybe the perfectly sized device in the perfect form factor is out there that can combine the features and visual display of a tablet, with the convenience of a phone... we'll have to wait and see. For right now, I'm happy with both my iPhone4 and iPad.
I generally agree with both of you -- I just find it fascinating that the hardware manufacturers are trying to find a one-size-fits-all device. It's more beneficial for them to keep a clear delineation between phone size and tablet size. Consumers feel the need to purchase two devices instead of one.

Agreed 100%, while try to force the two products into one? I mean sure, you'd be able to do bigger screen work on a device you have with you. But the issue is when you merge smartphones and tablets, you get the worst of each, not the best.

I'm all for smartphones ranging in size from 2.X" displays for candy bar QWERTYs to 4.7" displays, which something like the Galaxy Nexus for over all size. Big display, small amounts of plastic bordering it. Anything above that is just pushing it in my mind(at least with how small screen bezels can be at this point)

Then start tablets at 7" and work your way up to 13" for those who want a large work space. I except most tablets will be 7" or 10", but the sizes in that range of 7 to 13 all make for reasonably portable machines, that keep in mind the goals of the Post-PC world(which I will miss dearly, as I never got a chance to buy a Mac with any reasonable room to expand. But hopefully the Mac Pro stays around, and I can pick one up one day.

I understand this focus on Post-PC world and I actually love it, it's make computers much for straight forward. But my fear is company that offer great PCs will start to step away from that market of PC with room for growth(which admittedly a lot a corporate users never need, but I like the freedom). Sure, I can build a PC and save money, but the lack of official OS X support along with having to hack every OS upgrade to my Mac, would mean OS X couldn't be my main OS for school and work.

The Post-PC world is good, far more of us can get away with cars(iOS, Android devices), but for those of us who need or want trailer trucks, it'd be a shame to see Apple drop the Mac Pro. If they really want to spice up Mac Pro sales, let prosumers and pros have far more control over the specs of the Mac Pro. Sure the big hardware is needed to that top of the line hardware that's inside. But pop some mid range desktop parts in that machine, cut off 1000 dollars, and I think you'll spur sales of the Mac Pro. I know for certain I would have went for the Mac Pro over the Mac mini server.
I think the note is too big as a phone and too small for a tablet.

Didn't Dell try this and failed?
Watched a guy use one of these at lunch today as a phone. What an awkward piece of junk.
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