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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 4, 2008
So yesterday I updated my gf's 2g iPhone from 2.1 to 2.2.1 using pwnage on my MacBook 10.5.6. Unlocking and jailbreaking was a piece of cake. I noticed a few popups while cydia was updating, one saying something about ispazio.

I'm having problems finding tzones hack and callme.

Is anyone else having a problem with the ispazio repo in cydia. I checked the source looks correct.
I was having the same problem. What you have to do is actually search "ispazio" and manually download the repo. After this all their packages will be available.

I was having the same problem. What you have to do is actually search "ispazio" and manually download the repo. After this all their packages will be available.


I tried that but I'm not having any luck. I tried to manually add the repo, with no luck. Let me reboot and try again.
Tried again after the reboot and it's still not working. I noticed the source in cydia has the www in front. Where as the listed repo on ispazio's website doesn't have the www. I tried to manually add toy without the www and it still doesn't work. I guess all we can do is wait... :(
ispazio repo in cydia not working?

I have the same problem too. Cant find the application i want. Damn!...:(
I restored my iphone again and ispazio seems to be working fine.

BTW: If you have tmobile and are using the iphone tzones $5.99 hack, you must change the apn from to
Ispazio repo causing cydia not to work?

Last week,Cydia quit working on my iphone 3g 2.2 upgrade.Cydia opens,says loading,then closes.Ive restored,quickpwned again,worked for a week till It started doing it again.Installer tells me installer/ispazio not working,so maybe something with Ispazio?Anyone else with this problem?
ispazio not working

Yes, I have the same problem for over a few weeks now. Don't know how to solve it. I'd guessed that it would solve itself, but it doesn't.

ispazio is back & generates another problem

Hello !

I found out that ispazio is back. And I can install nice packages again.
BUT.... now I installed a package which has changed also my sounds and font type.... this is disgusting and I cannot find on how to reset this to the original fontset (which is excellent) and to the original sounds.
Does anyone know how I can achieve this?

Thanks in advance,
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