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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 23, 2016
Hi! This if my first post so sorry if I'm not abiding by certain guidelines. My Internal Hard Drive was making a clicking sound and was extremely slow to boot up. If I log in, it loads for a while, goes to a black screen for a while, then goes back to the logging on screen. I decided to replace it with an SSD that wasnt in use (Sandisk SSD Plus 240gb) and it didn't detect the drive. Afterwards, I installed OSX on the SSD in an external enclosure, no problem. After, I put it internally and it doesnt detect the OS. PLEASE HELP?!??!?


macrumors G3
Nov 23, 2011
Thirded. SATA cable is faulty and is a very common issue on your model.

It's a super quick fix. Just make sure you buy a brand-new SATA cable rather than a refurb, else the problem will reoccur.


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009

Go to to see what's involved with cable replacement.
They also have a part number that you'll need.

You can either order from ifixit, or perhaps check ebay.
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