This is a script I'm writing to be used in a program that auto configures OSX wireless settings. I'm getting a few errors and I'm not sure why I'm getting those errors. The Syntax error is Expected end but found end tell in the bolded section.
-- Prompt for Network username and password. Write username to a file and return the password to the main script
-- This script expects to receive the Mac Admin password, Logs locations and MBAirPresent variable from the parent script as arguments
-- Ex. osascript /path/to/this/script $MACPASS $LOG $ERRORLOG $MBAirPresent
on run argv
set myMacPass to item 1 of argv
set LOGS to item 2 of argv
set ERRORLOG to item 3 of argv
set MBAirPresent to item 4 of argv
set theUser to (do shell script "echo $USER")
set myPass to ""
set counter to 1
tell application "Finder"
with timeout of 10000 seconds
repeat until myPass is not ""
if counter &1 > " & ERRORLOG" then
do shell script "echo \"exit 99 User cancelled installation.\" 2>&1 >> " & LOGS
tell application "Installer" to activate
end tell
end if
if button returned of acctBox is "OK" then
if myAcct is not "" then
-- Remove any trailing information from network name
if myAcct contains "@" then
set myAcct to text 1 through ((offset of "@" in myAcct) - 1) of myAcct
end if
-- Test to see if Network password is correct
set myPassBox to display dialog "Please enter your UW-Whitewater password:" & return & return & "Be careful to enter it correctly!" & return & "This password is case-sensitive!" default answer "" buttons {"Quit", "OK"} default button 2 with title "UW-Whitewater Wireless Setup" with hidden answer
if button returned of myPassBox is "Quit" then
tell me
do shell script "echo \"exit 99 User cancelled installation.\" 2>&1 > " & ERRORLOG
do shell script "echo \"exit 99 User cancelled installation.\" 2>&1 >> " & LOGS
end tell
tell application "Installer" to activate
end if
set myPass to the text returned of myPassBox
-- test to see if network password is blank
if myPass is not "" then
-- Write username to file for parent script to pickup
if myAcct is not "" then
tell me
do shell script "touch /private/tmp/cu_wireless/WirelessUserNameIs" & myAcct user name theUser password myMacPass with administrator privileges
end tell
end if
if myAcct is "" then
tell me
do shell script "echo \"exit 21 Wireless username is blank. Unknown error.\" 2>&1 > " & ERRORLOG
do shell script "echo \"exit 21 Wireless username is blank. Unknown error.\" 2>&1 >> " & LOGS
end tell
tell application "Finder"
display dialog "Wireless username is blank. Unknown error." & return & return & "Please try running the Wireless Installer again." buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon caution
end tell
tell application "Installer"
end tell
end if
tell application "Installer"
end tell
-- Send wireless password to parent script
return myPass
end run
-- Prompt for Network username and password. Write username to a file and return the password to the main script
-- This script expects to receive the Mac Admin password, Logs locations and MBAirPresent variable from the parent script as arguments
-- Ex. osascript /path/to/this/script $MACPASS $LOG $ERRORLOG $MBAirPresent
on run argv
set myMacPass to item 1 of argv
set LOGS to item 2 of argv
set ERRORLOG to item 3 of argv
set MBAirPresent to item 4 of argv
set theUser to (do shell script "echo $USER")
set myPass to ""
set counter to 1
tell application "Finder"
with timeout of 10000 seconds
repeat until myPass is not ""
if counter &1 > " & ERRORLOG" then
do shell script "echo \"exit 99 User cancelled installation.\" 2>&1 >> " & LOGS
tell application "Installer" to activate
end tell
end if
if button returned of acctBox is "OK" then
if myAcct is not "" then
-- Remove any trailing information from network name
if myAcct contains "@" then
set myAcct to text 1 through ((offset of "@" in myAcct) - 1) of myAcct
end if
-- Test to see if Network password is correct
set myPassBox to display dialog "Please enter your UW-Whitewater password:" & return & return & "Be careful to enter it correctly!" & return & "This password is case-sensitive!" default answer "" buttons {"Quit", "OK"} default button 2 with title "UW-Whitewater Wireless Setup" with hidden answer
if button returned of myPassBox is "Quit" then
tell me
do shell script "echo \"exit 99 User cancelled installation.\" 2>&1 > " & ERRORLOG
do shell script "echo \"exit 99 User cancelled installation.\" 2>&1 >> " & LOGS
end tell
tell application "Installer" to activate
end if
set myPass to the text returned of myPassBox
-- test to see if network password is blank
if myPass is not "" then
-- Write username to file for parent script to pickup
if myAcct is not "" then
tell me
do shell script "touch /private/tmp/cu_wireless/WirelessUserNameIs" & myAcct user name theUser password myMacPass with administrator privileges
end tell
end if
if myAcct is "" then
tell me
do shell script "echo \"exit 21 Wireless username is blank. Unknown error.\" 2>&1 > " & ERRORLOG
do shell script "echo \"exit 21 Wireless username is blank. Unknown error.\" 2>&1 >> " & LOGS
end tell
tell application "Finder"
display dialog "Wireless username is blank. Unknown error." & return & return & "Please try running the Wireless Installer again." buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon caution
end tell
tell application "Installer"
end tell
end if
tell application "Installer"
end tell
-- Send wireless password to parent script
return myPass
end run