Hello all
I have JBd my atv2 with Green posion rc 6 with a macbook.
I have read the faq and some of the terminology is over my head..
How do I install the nightly build for my atv2? Will this help me be able to pair the xbmc remote app from my iphone?
I am able to locate the device on the xbmc remote settings..When I try to go to the next step I get a password page..MY question is what password are they asking for? The apple TV? for my xbmc account in network settings?
If so it just won't take..
Should my focus be to try and install this nightly build?
Sorry for the noobish question/thread but I am really sure there are many more that don't understand the jargon used by some of the better minds here.....
I have JBd my atv2 with Green posion rc 6 with a macbook.
I have read the faq and some of the terminology is over my head..
How do I install the nightly build for my atv2? Will this help me be able to pair the xbmc remote app from my iphone?
I am able to locate the device on the xbmc remote settings..When I try to go to the next step I get a password page..MY question is what password are they asking for? The apple TV? for my xbmc account in network settings?
If so it just won't take..
Should my focus be to try and install this nightly build?
Sorry for the noobish question/thread but I am really sure there are many more that don't understand the jargon used by some of the better minds here.....