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Mill house

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 12, 2021
I'm hoping someone can help me, I have a 27" Thunderbolt Display and a 27" cinema display A1316. The cinema display works fine when connected to my 2014 MacBook Pro but will not connect to my Mac mini. Mac mini 2018 i7.

Even if the cinema display is the only display connected to the the Cinema does not switch on. It shows as a display when connected through the thunderbolt 3 to thunderbolt 2 adapter.

Is the 27 inch cinema display in compatible with a 2018 Mac mini?

I'm beginning to think it's totally incompatible. I hope not because I really want a second monitor.


macrumors G3
Oct 28, 2015
It shows as a display when connected through the thunderbolt 3 to thunderbolt 2 adapter.
That adapter only works with Thunderbolt displays, not with DisplayPort ones.

You need an adapter from USB-C (male) to Mini DisplayPort (female).


Mill house

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 12, 2021


macrumors 68030
Apr 21, 2010
Take a look if this isn't just another case of the wake up issue that affects 2018 and M1 Minis. My 2018 Mini only wakes up from sleep after a good time of waiting since I type the keyboard or click the mouse. Sometimes I have to change HDMI ports on my TV/display just to make it re-scan for displays. In short, waking up a display connected through HDMI to a Mac Mini 2018 and M1 is not an easy task.
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