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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 20, 2011
Hello all,
Since the latest updates my 3gs has developed stuttering text tones and terrible battery drain.
I don't have any of the big battery drainers running yet Im seeing a drop of around 10% per hour just on standby.
OK the phone is now over a year old but never had this issue before IOS5.
What is strange is I can plug my phone into the mains to charge and it charges up,then starts to discharge at 100% instead of remaining fully charged.

As for the stuttering text tones it almost sounds as if I'm receiving several texts at once.

Any help on this would be greatly received.

Thanks :)
Try restoring as a new phone.

Hello and thanks for the reply, but I've actually tried this and still the stuttering texts and battery drain...Naturally in a phone of this age you expect battery issues but they tend to be gradual and my issues seem to coincide with the IOS updates.:confused:
I have a 3GS which is 18 months old now but iam having no problems at all.The only thing i noticed was after the update some things got corrupted in my phone eg:music,cover art.
I deleted then reinstalled and everything is ok and a big increase in battery performance too (after 5.0.1).I did drain the battery until the phone switched itself off after the update then did a full charge (mains) to 100% and its now very good and stable,much better than before.
I found this update has vastly improved the battery life on my iPhone 4.

I also have abnormal issues what so ever with any other aspect of the device.
Hi all,

Im seeing a vast difference in battery by switching wi fi off when Im at home.

With optimum battery settings I was seeing a drain of 10% per hour when phone was sat idle but connected to wi fi.

Switched it off and Im now losing around 5% overnight sat idle and not connected.

Not sure if its been included on this Forum or from another Forum but the stuttering text tones can be fixed by tweaking your notification settings,cant remember the exact procedure but its worked for me.

While all these fixes are masking the real problem lets hope Apple sort this and soon,most annoying.
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