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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 14, 2010
Has anyone noticed any issues with their AppleTV2 since updating?

Specifically with the remote app and airplay? Literally 70% of the time the remote app can no longer detect the AppleTV. In most cases I will try to reset the box, to no avail. Pull power for a minute. No avail. Decide to leave it alone for a while and then it begins working again.

Then with airplay, usually I stream random playlists of TV shows or trailers from my iMac to the AppleTV, just for some background noise. After it gets through some of the stuff, roughly 10%, airplay fails and tells me its unable to play any content. From that point I can continuously try to play something, after a few attempts it starts back up. And then fails again when switching to the next item on the playlist.

The AppleTV will also not let me do a restore, I'm told that it can not connect to the server.

Everything else seems to function correctly, except for YouTube which has never worked flawlessly since owning the thing on release day. Takes about 2 minutes to load a 1 minute video.

Guess it could be my ****** internet... :roll eyes:

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Well it finally stopped...working.

iPhone can no longer connect to the AppleTV2 at all. Comes up to the blue screen telling me to turn on Home Sharing on the AppleTV. Yet its already turned on.

Have tried resetting the AppleTV, the iPhone, deleting remote app reinstalling. Every time it just tells me to turn on home sharing.

Obviously no one else is having this problem/has any recommendations before I go to an Apple store, as there have been zero replies.

But anything is helpful at this point.

Thanks. :(
I want to say 4.4.2, but I'll have to double check when I get home.

And using wireless, I was told using wired renders the iPhone app useless which is annoying. I would enjoy having it wired and still being able to use my iPhone as the remote.

Now that I have to use the original silver remote I know I'm going to be losing it in a matter of days, thats how things happen in my house. ;)
And using wireless, I was told using wired renders the iPhone app useless which is annoying. I would enjoy having it wired and still being able to use my iPhone as the remote.

Well, that isn't true for me. Wireless, for me, has always been... problematic, to say that the least (issues getting time to set when he power goes out, etc.), so I've been wired since day one. Remote app on iPhone and iPad work like a charm.

Though, I actually use the silver remote most of the time. Maybe it's my network, but there always a bit of a lag between when I touch the screen and when the ATV receives the signal, hard to fast forward or rewind to specific spots when that happens...
there have been a lot of people that can no longer use keynote remote since ios 5. not sure if that's connected in any way.
apple tv2 update 4.2.2 created a MAJOR problem!

Since updating my two apple tv2s a couple of days ago my itunes library although appearing in full on the apple tv's screen, does not stream any movies other than those (I actually only have one!) purchased from itunes store or home movies. All my (purchased) dvd rips return the message "An error occurred loading this content". I have spent an age transferring my large library of dvds to my pc server (I have tested the system from my MacBook Pro, still no playback!) and am now desperate. Has anyone else recently updated and if so can you still play back ripped content?
Thanks PaulMoore I was wondering wether Apple had somehow blocked my rips. What do application do you rip with? I currently use Handbrake which creates a small-ish MV4 file in itself this is Metax-ed and finally linked to my old PCs itunes library.
Im still struggling to make my (previously flawless) Apple TV2s play ripped DVD movies. Any help??
In iTunes turn off home sharing and then turn it on again. Mine does this sometimes and thats the only way i found to get it to work again. Its like it loses it sync info in home sharing with the computer and turning it off and on again in iTunes is the only way to fix it for me.
Yes I'm having issues too? Also have two atv2's and one won't let me turn on home sharing or recognize my iTunes account?

The other works ok though so it can't be network.

Don't know what to do tried everything
I've got 2 :apple:TV's. Both have been acting up as if lately. The main issue i have is starting a movie or TV show from the Remote app on my iPhone or iPad. Just gets stuck in the loading process.
Thanks PaulMoore I was wondering wether Apple had somehow blocked my rips. What do application do you rip with? I currently use Handbrake which creates a small-ish MV4 file in itself this is Metax-ed and finally linked to my old PCs itunes library.

I use Handbrake, albeit on a Mac, and they are still playing fine. No difference since the software update.
It's Like The Old SCSI Voodoo

I have two Macs that I often try to connect to my AppleTV2. Since the day I bought the ATV, it's been flakey. Sometimes both Macs connect with no problems, sometimes one or both fail to appear in the ATV's list of computers.

Nothing I try seems to reliably result in a solid connection. It reminds me of the old Mac SCSI Voodoo which seemed to depend on the phase of the moon, the day of the week and whether one was wearing blue or green. :)

I've had lengthy discussions with Apple(Care) support. They usually recommend the normal stuff: turn Home Sharing (HS) on ATV off, then back on; turn HS on either Mac off, then on; reset the ATV; restart the Macs; sacrifice a chicken; etc. :D

Seriously, nothing I've tried works reliably. It really seems that the ATV2 is a temperamental diva that works when it wants to and doesn't the rest of the time.

I'm wide open to suggestions...
I had lots of issues with my ATV2 when we moved. Losing connections etc. thought it was phone line so had BT UK out checked line and gave us a new hub. Still didn't resolve ATV2 issues. Not find the library etc, no retaining passwords etc. Read on forum it was the hub that had caused others problems. eventually decided to buy Time Capsule. I could have got an extreme or airport but went the whole hog. Since using that as my wireless sender I have had no problems at all. Time capsule is hard wired to tv and AT2 and library is on and external HD is in an other room.
Still No Luck

Thanks for the suggestion, PaulMoore. Unfortunately, it didn't help my situation.

Mack120, I considered getting an Apple router but there's a fatal flaw in them: I need four outgoing ethernet ports. All the Apple solutions only have three. I have no idea why they chose to be so cheap but it's a deal-breaker for me.

One thing I have noticed is that the ATV2 has not "seen" my Mac Pro since I upgraded it to Lion. I have numerous issues with all kinds of networking and printer sharing with Lion. But that still doesn't explain why my Mac Mini using 10.6.8 can't reliably connect to the ATV2.

I had a long talk with Apple Support. They had me open ports 5353 and 3689 in the router. That didn't fix it either. Still looking...
Quick question

My iMac is in another room from my Time Capsule and ATV2. I can see my Time Capsule on my iMac in the finder window on the left in devices column. But ATV2 doesn't to show up there. Don't know if this is normal, but have seen a few people's screens shots and their ATV2 appears there??


Thanks for the suggestion, PaulMoore. Unfortunately, it didn't help my situation.

Mack120, I considered getting an Apple router but there's a fatal flaw in them: I need four outgoing ethernet ports. All the Apple solutions only have three. I have no idea why they chose to be so cheap but it's a deal-breaker for me.

One thing I have noticed is that the ATV2 has not "seen" my Mac Pro since I upgraded it to Lion. I have numerous issues with all kinds of networking and printer sharing with Lion. But that still doesn't explain why my Mac Mini using 10.6.8 can't reliably connect to the ATV2.

I had a long talk with Apple Support. They had me open ports 5353 and 3689 in the router. That didn't fix it either. Still looking...

Don't let that stop you. All you have to do is get a 4 port gigabit switch and plug that into the Apple router to get extra ports. I have one by Linksys with 8 ports and they are very inexpensive. Switches don't cost as much as routers.
Cheap Switch

Hmmm, it just happens that a certain Nuevo Huevo online store has an 8-port Netgear Switch on sale for a few hours today (11/04) for $45 with a $15 Mail-In-Rebate.
Maybe I'll splurge.

Mack120, I've never seen my ATV2 in the Snow Leopard or Lion Sidebar. But that doesn't mean much, I've had a hard time seeing many devices there.
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