Ok so ever since I got my new iPhone 6+ I've had issues with it knowing where I live. This works completely fine on my 5s at this same location. It seems my contact data is all messed up as well. It has my address listed several times. When I edit and delete it looks fine, then I go back into contacts to view and it lists my address twice again. I finally discovered that it was pulling the 2nd address from my facebook linked contact of myself. So i unlinked it and now there shows two of me in my contacts list and my phone STILL does know that this is my home. Anyone know how to fix this or how to correctly link your personal contact to your facebook? I really would like to get this resolved because I like to often use the "it will take you this long to get home" data it gives you in Notification Center. Plus it also learns your travel schedule and tells you how long it will take you to get someone where at days and times you normally go somewhere. If anyone can offer advice or help me at all I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks if advanced!