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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 12, 2010
I'm trying to pick out my "must have apps" for the upcoming grad school year and I'm a bit overwhelmed by all of the options. Hopefully other students can chime in with their experiences!

Right now I'm primarily looking for a way to stay organized. Between classes, assignments, exams, clinicals, appointments, bill payments, school deadlines, hobbies, my social life, etc, I'm going to have a hell of a time remembering what I need to do when. It's even more complicated by the fact that my grad class schedule changes on a week to week basis (thank god for ICS formatted files!).

I've heard great things about both Pocket Informant and iStudiez Pro. My question is, do I need them both? Will Pocket Informant do everything I need it to in one convenient package? Or is iStudiez Pro a much better choice for managing classes and homework? If I am using iStudiez Pro (or another recommended app?) for school, would Pocket Informant be over kill for managing the rest of my life? If so, what cheaper Calendar / to do list app would you recommend?

It's such a culture shock to go from working full time to being a student again. At one time I just would have bought bot to try out without giving it a second thought but now I'm having to count pennies again! :p As an aside, any recommendations for budgeting apps?
I have both applications, and recently just graduated from graduate school. I highly recommend Pocket Informant over iStudiez Pro.

Pocket Informant is far superior because you can enter information into Google calendar and, and sync it to the application. You do not have the option of syncing information from a desktop app or website with iStudiez Pro. Manually entering assignments and information into your iPhone, can be quite tedious.

While I was attending grad school, I used iStudiez Pro as a class schedule, and Pocket Informant for everything else. However, you can set up a class schedule in Google calendar and use Pocket Informant for that as well.

Pocket Informant is definitely worth the price!
Thanks for the replies. And the responses pretty much mirror what I've read elsewhere -- both are good apps and people are pretty split on which they recommend more.

I'm leaning towards Pocket Informant just because it seems you can do so much more with it. But I'm curious about the comment regarding toodledoo. What is the benefit of having toodledoo and pocket informant at the same time? I thought pocket informant would handle tasks / to do lists just fine on it's own?
You can manually enter tasks into Pocket Informant. However, it is simpler to enter multiple tasks on a computer with Toodledo (or any other desktop app), than manually adding tasks on an iPhone (irrespective of the app). Toodledo is free, and is simple to use.

Adding tasks manually or with a desktop app is user preference.
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