I always believe that it was impossible to install an app without Apple provisionning (enterprise, ad hoc, , development...).
But I find an app in which they do it => 3uTools with their "Import photos" function. The app install and it just ask us to launch it, the app launch and that's all !
I look at the IPA and their is no ".mobileprovision" file as usual.
Do anyone know they do this please?
I always believe that it was impossible to install an app without Apple provisionning (enterprise, ad hoc, , development...).
But I find an app in which they do it => 3uTools with their "Import photos" function. The app install and it just ask us to launch it, the app launch and that's all !
I look at the IPA and their is no ".mobileprovision" file as usual.
Do anyone know they do this please?