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Jason Beck

macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 19, 2009
Cedar City, Utah
During a lightning storm at 3am. My understanding of shutter speed, and how it relates to aperture and how they in turn relate to iso and letting light onto the sensor.

Really not a difficult concept now that I think about it, but easier understood after trying to photograph my first lightning storm. I got about2 really good ones, and a bunch of okay ones from it. But most of all I think I am ready for next time!

If anyone wants to learn about how these settings relate to each other, do some reading and go photograph a storm at night. It was excellent practice and I feel like a more capable photographer now. I'm glad I got out there!
There is one photo I posted in the potd thread that is my fave. They are not as good as the seasoned nature photographer's efforts but it was cool to get strikes saved !

Designer Dale

macrumors 68040
Mar 25, 2009
Folding space
Welcome, Grasshopper.

You have seen the light(ning) of the True Reality, and it will forever guide you.
Now that you have been struck with the light(ning) of True Awakening. We await the fruits of your enlight(ning)ment. We are certain it will light(ning) our daily lives.

Blessings be with you, my little one.


Jason Beck

macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 19, 2009
Cedar City, Utah
Welcome, Grashopper.

You have seen the light(ning) of the True Reality, and it will forever guide you.
Now that you have been struck with the light(ning) of True Awakening. We await the fruits of your enlight(ning)ment. We are certain it will light(ning) our daily lives.

Blessings be with you, my little one.


ahhaah! Yah, I am pretty excited today. I woke up at like 2pm though. It was worth it. Its getting stormy lately in Utah so I hope to have another chance soon.


macrumors G5
Jun 27, 2007
Lightening is similar to fireworks photography. Requires longer shutter speeds.

In the film days, people actually read up on different things because it's harder to experiment.

Jason Beck

macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 19, 2009
Cedar City, Utah
Lightening is similar to fireworks photography. Requires longer shutter speeds.

In the film days, people actually read up on different things because it's harder to experiment.

Makes sense to me. I tried to photograph this years fireworks but I didn't really get into these long speeds yet so they were not... so good. :D
It's still stormy looking, maybe I will get a chance tonight again to break out the tripod again. My wife was like, "I know.. I heard you get into bed at 5am."


macrumors 68020
Oct 14, 2008
They also sell lightning triggers as well, that i have heard work pretty good.
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