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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 24, 2006
i just dropped my mbp about 6 and a half feet onto a really hard floor and the hdd motion censor did its job cause im using my mbp to type this thread. anyhow, since i just beat the crap out of my 2500$ investment, i just wanted to make sure that apple will forgive my misshap and get me a new mbp, i hope this is true if not im kinda screwed, also if they'll replace my mbp, you think theyll give me a speed boost as they did with the mbps a few days ago?
No, Apple will not replace your MBP. If you cause the damage - and a fall like that is not disguisable - you're responsible. Sorry! But be glad it still works.
Apple's warranty doesn't cover accidental damage, so sadly, Apple isn't going to do anything for you. How bad is it? If you purchased it with a credit card, some companies give you like a 30 day protection for accidental damage or something, it's pretty cool. Call your company up and ask!

Good luck!
So last night you dropped your iPod off your loft bed, and tonight you dropped your MBP. You're not doing so well up there...

Is this the greatest MBP every made and are those who put them in cases not worthy of owning them?
WildCowboy said:
Is this the greatest MBP every made and are those who put them in cases not worthy of owning them?


I'm sorry to have to agree with everyone else.....

Can I also just get in right now with the "this thread is useless without pics?"

You gotta stop dropping stuff.
heres the pictures.




Oh... wow. That really sucks. Maybe you should put some glue on your hands EVERY TIME YOU STAND UP.

You kind of have... an extra heat vent? :|

Maybe you could tap it back into place with a small hammer or something... but be ready for dents then.
Those pics don't look good.

I wouldn't continue using that machine. Something may have broken, or something worse (leak…).

Good luck! although you are a bit screwed
yea, im screwed. also theres a little bit of a warp in the body so it doesnt sit perfectly flat and the mouse button got a little jammed too. it doesnt "click" anymore, but it still works (actually maybe i should count that as a upgrade since all i have to do is tap it appose to pushing it.

to finish the story heres what happened, i was watching band of brother and i was getting out of my bed, had the computer on my stomach and moved it to the side so i could slide off the bed. well as i was getting down and trying to find my footing i must have compressed the matress in the wrong spot which aloud the mbp to slip off, im a little confused here though since the mbp was maybe about 5 inches from the edge which means it actually slid off my bed. damn, maybe if the floors werent so fricken hard the damage wouldnt be so bad.
Yeah that MBP looks pretty screwed. If you go buy yourself another MBP for a laptop, do what i've seen another forum member do and rip off the screen, buy yourself any LCD, keyboard and mouse and you have yourself an ultracompact desktop! :cool:
i fixed the worpedness on my mbp, now i need to figure out how to reshape the body back into shape.... the real issue that i dont know how to fix is i think there is something wrong with the processoer. when i try to run coreduotemp i get a script error "cant make word 2 of "" into type real. (-1700)" im still able to get the processor temp but it wont show the processor speed and usage. BUT when i check out my istat widget it says its fine.... hmmm interesting

also when i rebooted it took a really long to boot up, and stoped on a blue screen for a really long time.

although even b/f the drop i feel like my mbp was getting caught up on processes really easily and almost freezing up on several occasions.
this is unrelated, but you're cute. sorry, but i couldn't help but click the link in your sig.

sorry to hear about the mbp though. i'd say you could replace the case (maybe will have one soon) but that's a lot of damage.
that is one loft bed from hell. my sister dropped her 14" ibook off her loft bed and the screen cracked. then i cut it off and sold it
dogbone said:
The keyboards can get kinda sticky doing that, (so I've heard).
how does that work...

also, the pictures make my mbp condition look a lot more beat up than it really is. im going to be doing a medical study for 3.5k soon i believe and im really temped to use that money to buy a new one, appose to using it toward college. i dont know if those are good prioritys but hey.

i think im going to be popping the top here pretty soon, probably this comming week, to reshape the case. although i had a friend tell me that i could maybe just get a new case for couple hundred.... possible option
bordenkecher said:
how does that work...
I'm not too sure, it's only hearsay...

Trouble is that if you fix the case you may find other problem down the track. I'd spend your college education money on a new one. But not before you give yourself a good talking to, remembering that you dropped your ipod the day before and didn't learn your lesson.

Buy a new mbp and see if you can get the old one repaired by apple and sell it.
dogbone said:
I'm not too sure, it's only hearsay...

Trouble is that if you fix the case you may find other problem down the track. I'd spend your college education money on a new one. But not before you give yourself a good talking to, remembering that you dropped your ipod the day before and didn't learn your lesson.

Buy a new mbp and see if you can get the old one repaired by apple and sell it.

that is exactly what ive been think, and hey, i can always take out another student loan to get through college right.

now to clear up the ipod business, my ipods been dropped times before, true that there is coincidence here since they both dropped from my pos lofted bed that is a pain in the A* to get out of and into. when my ipod got dropped it was b/c i was tired and falling asleep and the headphones got all tangled up around, i really dont remember what happened then. now with my MBP, (oh i wanna cry) ive gotten in and out of my bed time and time again w/ my MBP sitting on it. i really dont know what went wrong thi time other than the fact that it was a little to close to the edge i didnt get down from my bed fast enough, but instead allowed the MBP to "slide" off b/c i couldnt find my footing.

so again, my ipod dropping is nothing, ive had it for like 2 years its been dropped b/f and its still kickin. now my MBP, i blame that on the jerk that didnt get me my own room, so now im stuck with a smelly roomate and we have to loft our beds for space.
bordenkecher said:
now my MBP, i blame that on the jerk that didnt get me my own room, so now im stuck with a smelly roomate and we have to loft our beds for space.

If life teaches one anything it is that one must take responsibility for ones own actions. As you get older and graduate eventually from the university of life you will discover certain things. Ones woman will *always* criticise and will never ever be satisfied. It's nothing particularly to do with you, it is how the world is. A bit like trying to know the velocity and position of an electron this impossibility is not to do with our limited resources, it is hard wired into the very substance of reality.

Other more relevent things you will learn is that a cup of coffee left on the floor next to you for a moment *will* get kicked over. There's nothing you can do about it apart from not leaving a cup of coffee on the floor. Similarly a macbook pro left near the edge of your loft bed, even if it is happily sitting there by itself with no one likely to enter the room, *will* hit the deck. If not today, then tomorrow. You will learn that the shorter the time you leave it and the less likely it is to fall will in fact increase it's likelyhood to fall. It's a fundamental characteristic of the universe. Ignore this advice at your peril. You can test this if you want by leaving a cup of coffee on the floor next to your new mbp and vow that you will not kick the coffee onto the mbp. Set up a video camera first so you can capture the moment when you momentarily forget and kick the coffee all over your keyboard.
That's some pretty serious damage! :eek:

Was just wondering: Did you use a credit card to buy the MBP? If so, check whether it offers you protection from theft and/or damage for a certain period of time for your purchases. You might just get lucky on this one...
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