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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 15, 2005

I wanted to burn a DVD (4.7 GB) with a playlist that I created.

The playlist is 4.73 GB. The playlist is a little larger. will I
be able to fit it into a DVD?

Thank you,

I believe that the limit is about 4.4 GB after formatting, although I think Toast can squeeze a bit more on. You may need to split across two discs or use double layer media.
A DVD is 4,700,000,000 bytes which is 4.7GB.

Computers use the incorrect terms in displaying the space used or available, they use GB etc. which is incorrect as this is a SI prefix denoting units of 10^9. Computers display GB where they should be using binary standard prefixes GiB etc to denote units of 2^30.

A DVD is 4,700,000,000 bytes

= 4589843.75 KiB
= 4482.etc MiB
= 4.377 GiB

So, you will lose a little bit of that 4.377GiB to formatting, not a lot though.

Remember, computers use the incorrect term, 4.7GB = 4.4GiB but the computer will display that 4.4GiB as "4.4GB" so it appears that you have lost space but rest assured you haven't.

The largest amount of data I would put on a DVD would be around 4.1GiB to ensure it will all fit, your 4.73GiB playlist won't fit on a single-layer DVD. It will be fine on a dual-layer.
The only reason I created such a long playlist was to burn it into a DVD as I want to free up space from the hard drive but still keep that information. An external HD is in my plans for the future.

I have trimmed the list to 4.08 GB (that number is according to i-tunes and it is a little less than 4.1 GB). Roxio on the other side tells me that it can not burn 6.49 GB to the DVD, since it has only space for 4.38 GB

Please tell me what to do - Roxio tells me that the playlist is 6.49 GB, and itunes tells me it is 4.08 GB. What can I do, please let me know ??
igmolinav said:
The only reason I created such a long playlist was to burn it into a DVD as I want to free up space from the hard drive but still keep that information. An external HD is in my plans for the future.

I have trimmed the list to 4.08 GB (that number is according to i-tunes and it is a little less than 4.1 GB). Roxio on the other side tells me that it can not burn 6.49 GB to the DVD, since it has only space for 4.38 GB

Please tell me what to do - Roxio tells me that the playlist is 6.49 GB, and itunes tells me it is 4.08 GB. What can I do, please let me know ??
im assuming youre using itunes for windows as youre talking about roxio?
either way, go to itunes preferences, click the advanced tab, then choose burning, and set the disc type to data disc, then select your playlist and hit the burn button, then stick a blank dvd in the drive. should work perfectly.
Nermal said:
What about Toast?
ah, didn't think about that. ive just never heard people refer to toast as roxio, but often hear people refer to easy cd creator (or whatever they call it) as roxio :)
igmolinav said:

I wanted to burn a DVD (4.7 GB) with a playlist that I created.

The playlist is 4.73 GB. The playlist is a little larger. will I
be able to fit it into a DVD?

Thank you,


There is a very easy way to find out. Select the playlist, click on "burn", put in an empty DVD, and iTunes will tell you. If it doesn't fit, just cancel the operation.
igmolinav said:
The only reason I created such a long playlist was to burn it into a DVD as I want to free up space from the hard drive but still keep that information. An external HD is in my plans for the future.

I have trimmed the list to 4.08 GB (that number is according to i-tunes and it is a little less than 4.1 GB). Roxio on the other side tells me that it can not burn 6.49 GB to the DVD, since it has only space for 4.38 GB

Please tell me what to do - Roxio tells me that the playlist is 6.49 GB, and itunes tells me it is 4.08 GB. What can I do, please let me know ??

What you can do: Start iTunes, go to "iTunes and music store help" in the "Help" menu, type in "Burn DVD", read the instructions.
Any Country & Western on the playlist? I'd start freeing up space right there.:)
ooopss !!! sorry, i forgot to tell you that i´m doing it with an ibook and an external La Cie DVD burner. I´ll try your suggestions right away. I hope to see what I was doing wrong.

Thank you,

Toast 7 (or Roxio) gives me four option to burn:

Audio CD
Music DVD
MP3 Disc
Enhanced Audio CD

Should I choose Music DVD or MP3 Disc ???

Thank you,

Thank you very much to all for your responses. I was able to burn the information to a DVD !!!


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