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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 13, 2002
Is anyone else having this problem?

It's not letting me buy music today. I first tried about 8 hours ago and got the following message:

Could not purchase "Unknown." An unknown error occurred (500).

There was an error in the Music Store. Please try again later.

This morning, I am still having the problem and there doesn't seem to be any knowledge base or helpful Apple support forum posts on error 500. I have tried a number of troubleshooting steps to fix it (trash iTunes prefs, try on different Mac, try on a PC, etc.) to no avail. An error occurs when I try to change my billing info too.

Is anyone else seeing this error?
I found the same thing this morning

I was beginning to think it was just me but I have tried to purchase several times throughout the day and I have gotten the same error message.
Originally posted by IndyGopher
Strange... probably just a glitch as they roll in the changes for the ITMS to support the Pepsi Giveaway... starts in just a few hours

Thats what I was thinking. They are probably updating their site to reflect the new pepsi giveaway.
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