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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Nov 18, 2002
i have an idea that would be a cool step for itunes and all the musicians out ther either with garageband or whatever they record with...

ok so if everyone with garageband started sending songs to apple it would be chaos...


what if you had your OWN site/place/whatever you want to call it, ON itunes devoted to the songs you could be a part of .mac or something, it probably wouldn't be free... anyway you could have people download your tracks for free (say with a login you give them) or have them pay to download gets their 33 cents and sends the rest to you. also it would interfere with normal buying as you would have to specifically "log in" or something to this "site"

how bout it?
alright i've moved my post to here ;)..

hmm... it would be sweet, but charging people for the song would be funny, i really wonder if people would buy, i guess we'll have to wait for the option with .mac :)
yes i was thinking it could be used by just music newbies for there friends to hear, in which case you wouldn't have to pay..but then more of a pro one..kinda like where bands would put up there songs and at concerts could say, hey go to itunes and you can log in to our site and buy our songs.

now that i mention that...jeez theres a million times i see local bands that i really like and know i might never hear again, i would love to buy there music.
how about apple buys out apple records, and just gets to business with the business steve jobs wants to be in :) haha :)

i agree though, i think it would be really cool to have that option.
i agree, they've infringed enough on there agreement..might as well just buy em out hehehe

well i don't exaclty know how those things work, but it would be nice if they could work together at least
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