My fruitless searching leads me to believe there is no such beast, but I thought I would post here just in case my search-foo is weak today.
Is there any other app besides that can read and write to the "Photos Library.photoslibrary" database on my Mac? I would like to continue to use the whole Apple sync feature between my MacBook, my iPhone, and my iPad; but on my Mac I want to be able to do some heavy lifting in sorting and organizing at which I found weak.
I'm afraid Apple has me locked down on this one though. Even a view that shows only photos NOT manually assigned to an album would be nice start. Any insight would be appreciated.
Is there any other app besides that can read and write to the "Photos Library.photoslibrary" database on my Mac? I would like to continue to use the whole Apple sync feature between my MacBook, my iPhone, and my iPad; but on my Mac I want to be able to do some heavy lifting in sorting and organizing at which I found weak.
I'm afraid Apple has me locked down on this one though. Even a view that shows only photos NOT manually assigned to an album would be nice start. Any insight would be appreciated.