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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 6, 2005
Hey Everyone

A few months ago, you might remember my thread, "how to become a 17-year-old freelance photographer"

Anyway, I learned a LOT from that thread - and I wanted to say thanks for all your advice (namely iGary's :))

Today, Peters Photography still exists - although it's now Peters Photography LLC. I got my business license, my sales tax license, and I'm paying tax and doing everything legally, just as all of you recommended :)

Anyway, my site is brand new:

I'd appreciate any advice any of you may have - whether it's on the photos, the pricing, the layout of the website. Remember - I created the entire website with iWeb, so it took a while to get it right.

Thanks again for your help!


macrumors 6502a
Jan 11, 2005
Little grey, chilly island.
I'm certainly not in the position to offer any professional critique on your photos as I'm not a photographer, but photography does speak to me and love seeing good shots.

I just LOVE the homepage with the baby - those eyes are just perfect. Excellent shot - and a great collection in general.

Couple of things; I was a bit frustrated that I couldn't click on the images on the left of say, "Landscape" and see them in large - and of course being a html code based on iWeb the load times were very slow, which isn't something you particularly want should a potential client visit the page.

Maybe grab your self a copy of dreamweaver eventually and gradually work on being proficient at that so eventually you can replace iWeb when and if the need arises.

Great stuff though, enjoyed very much - best of luck!


macrumors member
Dec 12, 2004
I agree with the above post - in general there is some great photography in there, but it sure would be nice to be able to click on the smaller images to enlarge them. Additionally, I think some of the colors are a little over saturated (I'm viewing in Firefox) - especially the Family page. I'm referring to skin tones to certain degree, but the red in the leaves of the tree behind them looks kind of pixelated or blown out or something.
Anyway, I'm just trying to give useful feedback, over all, looks like a great start. Good luck with everything!


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Yeah, the colours are definitely oversaturated. Are you using a 12" PowerBook or a really dull screen to edit? Beware of editing on screens with dull colours, because if you adjust the colours so that it looks right to you, it'll be oversaturated on every screen that produces colours with normal saturation levels, if that makes sense.

Also, when you click on Landscape, don't use that flower macro, especially not so large. No part of that flower looks sharp to me, and I don't really even know what to look at.


macrumors 68020
Mar 28, 2006
The Library.
wow! the site is nice, and i admire your etichal business decisions, but most importantly, you've become a better photographer. i believe i remember your old thread having out of focus snapshots of rather meaningless random people on horses. all of your new pictures show a much better knowlodge of composition, how to properly use a manual camera, and realizing what's is an artful photo and what is a snapshot. also, you've become much better at using ambient light. wonderful job!!!!
that said, you may want to work on balancing positive and negative space.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 6, 2005
wow! the site is nice, and i admire your etichal business decisions, but most importantly, you've become a better photographer. i believe i remember your old thread having out of focus snapshots of rather meaningless random people on horses. all of your new pictures show a much better knowlodge of composition, how to properly use a manual camera, and realizing what's is an artful photo and what is a snapshot. also, you've become much better at using ambient light. wonderful job!!!!
that said, you may want to work on balancing positive and negative space.

Very, very nice comments - I really appreciate it - what exactly do you mean by balancing positive/negative space? Do the subjects take up too much room in my pictures - I often feel that that is the case :(

To everyone above; thank you so much! The family picture really is oversaturated - I like the perspective, though, so it's tough. I edit everything on a MBP 15", but they do look very different on other computers for some reason...

I don't think I will be able to "click-to-enlarge" - of course, clients can click and enlarge their pictures in their own gallery, but the small pictures on the front page will have to stay like that (for now - I'll certainly consider switching in the future!)

Shrug :eek: I really do listen to your comments, though, so keep them coming!


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 6, 2005
If you're trying to make a business out of this you really need to be using something more professional than a 15" MBP for editing/post-processing. If nothing else, get a larger monitor to hook the MBP into.

I do use an external monitor; it's a View Sonic 20.1" widescreen LCD. I need to change the family picture, I understand that; is there something seriously wrong with my LCD, though?


macrumors 6502
Jul 18, 2006
Darwin, NT
You have a bad link. The 'View Galleries' under Landscapes takes you to the Events galleries.

As far as your monitor goes, maybe it just needs to be calibrated.


macrumors 68040
Jun 14, 2006
I do use an external monitor; it's a View Sonic 20.1" widescreen LCD. I need to change the family picture, I understand that; is there something seriously wrong with my LCD, though?

No, won't be much good. The MacBook Pro's built in screen is better. My dad has a View Sonic 17" display which I've hooked up to my MBP before. The colours are all off in comparison.

Get yourself a 20" ACD, it will make your pictures helluva lot better, if you can afford it....


macrumors 65816
One little thing you might want to add to your site: A city and state. Not necessarily a full address, but at least an idea of where you are.

I was looking for wedding photographers earlier this year and I was surprised how many web sites didn't tell me where they were. I was forced to look up area codes from phone numbers or send e-mails to ask.

And the home page looks great!


macrumors regular
Oct 31, 2003
Congrats on your budding business. :)

One tiny suggestion for the web site is that your opening splash does not forward automatically to your home page. At least on Firefox. I sat for a few seconds waiting for something to happen until I realized that I had to click. You may consider adding a small indicator such as 'enter' on the splash page or simply having it forward automatically to the home page after set amount of time.

Best of luck for the future.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 6, 2005
One little thing you might want to add to your site: A city and state. Not necessarily a full address, but at least an idea of where you are.

I was looking for wedding photographers earlier this year and I was surprised how many web sites didn't tell me where they were. I was forced to look up area codes from phone numbers or send e-mails to ask.

And the home page looks great!

Very, very great idea; adding that information (and changing the family picture) as we speak.

I'll definitely need to look into getting another monitor, though...:(


macrumors 68000
Jun 29, 2006
Very, very great idea; adding that information (and changing the family picture) as we speak.

I'll definitely need to look into getting another monitor, though...:(

You can get pretty good ones for under $200. They'll be like 17" or 15", but still work well as an external monitor.

I like your photos and site. :) Very easy to navigate.


macrumors member
Sep 14, 2006
Hey Everyone

A few months ago, you might remember my thread, "how to become a 17-year-old freelance photographer"

Anyway, I learned a LOT from that thread - and I wanted to say thanks for all your advice (namely iGary's :))

Today, Peters Photography still exists - although it's now Peters Photography LLC. I got my business license, my sales tax license, and I'm paying tax and doing everything legally, just as all of you recommended :)

Anyway, my site is brand new:

I'd appreciate any advice any of you may have - whether it's on the photos, the pricing, the layout of the website. Remember - I created the entire website with iWeb, so it took a while to get it right.

Thanks again for your help!
Great looking site, very professional looking, great pricing, value. Great photos with just one observation /comment. I woulld like to see full body shots, instead of chopping your subjects in half.. just a thought. Out of 5 stars, I give you 4.75!!:D


macrumors 68020
Mar 28, 2006
The Library.
Very, very nice comments - I really appreciate it - what exactly do you mean by balancing positive/negative space? Do the subjects take up too much room in my pictures - I often feel that that is the case :(
exactly. give the subject some breathing room. it helps a lot. also, try to think about the rule of thirds.
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