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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Feb 23, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Ok so, after saving for my MacBook Pro and buying it I figured it was time to buy a camera. I don't want a standard P&S. I need something more advanced. What do you guys think. Is a Nikon D50 nice?


macrumors 6502a
Jan 8, 2003
aaron.lee2006 said:
Ok so, after saving for my MacBook Pro and buying it I figured it was time to buy a camera. I don't want a standard P&S. I need something more advanced. What do you guys think. Is a Nikon D50 nice?

Nikon D50 is the best bang for your buck. An amazing camera for under $600. After taking a few shots you will start to wonder if they mispriced the camera. Great camera. I highly recommend it.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Feb 23, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Thanks alot. You are a big help. Can you reccommend any dealers that ship to Canada or where I can go pick one up for a reasonalble price?


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
I think even places like Futureshop will have them. If not, then Best Buy. I know they sold Canon Rebel XTs, but not sure about the D50.

Anyway, it's a nice camera. I don't think you could go wrong buying it if you want a starter DSLR. :)


macrumors newbie
Aug 8, 2006
**PUKE** Digital Nikon


I like to think of myself as a good photographer. At least, I'm getting my MFA in photography.

Digital nikons are nice, but they'r enot as nice as their film cameras.

Start looking at Canons. I don't understand computer geek speak or why things work they way they do... I can just tell you that the colors are much more "true" AND the digital noise is significantly less in the blue and green channel with Canons.

A student of mine just bought the D50. It's ok. Kind've clumsy.

Further, the Canons come with software that lets you remote shoot. Hella nice if you're doing documentation of stuff and you want to preview your shots on something more than a cheap LCD.

Nikon's software SUCKS so bad!!!!

Finally, I would suggest "buying up" when you buy a digital. Figure out how much you can afford, then save up and buy the next step. The camera may be too much for you now, but you'll grow into it.




macrumors 65816
Original poster
Feb 23, 2006
Ontario, Canada
I think I will go with the D50. I need the expieriece especially since that's what I want to go to school for. Thanks alot guys.

One more thing, do you think it is okay to buy from ebay?


macrumors 6502a
Jun 19, 2006
What do you guys think of the Canon Rebel XT? My wife has a film Rebel and I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) they use the same lenses. I'm not sure if it's that exact model. She's had it about 5 or 6 years. If I could buy the camera with no lense I could save some money.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Feb 23, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Although I have no expierience with a Rebel XT I have seen plenty of photos taken with them. It is an amazing camera. If you want one go for it if yu have the money.


macrumors 6502
Jun 22, 2006
false-Aesthetic said:
Digital nikons are nice, but they'r enot as nice as their film cameras.

Start looking at Canons. I don't understand computer geek speak or why things work they way they do... I can just tell you that the colors are much more "true" AND the digital noise is significantly less in the blue and green channel with Canons.

A student of mine just bought the D50. It's ok. Kind've clumsy.

Lol... You should check out the Rebel XT, even more "clumsy"

Further, the Canons come with software that lets you remote shoot. Hella nice if you're doing documentation of stuff and you want to preview your shots on something more than a cheap LCD.

Nikon's software SUCKS so bad!!!!

Nikon's software lets you remote control as well. Funny thing I hear more people using Nikon Capture than Canon's software.

Finally, I would suggest "buying up" when you buy a digital. Figure out how much you can afford, then save up and buy the next step. The camera may be too much for you now, but you'll grow into it.

This isn't very good advice. Any dSLR camera will produce good results. "Upgrading" is not as linear as you think. Example: A shooter has a Nikon D200, but needs a faster fps to shoot sports. The older, cheaper D2H is an excellent choice. Or if he wants better low light capapbilities. The D50 is second in the Nikon line in terms of ISO perfomance and can be gotten for 1/3 of the price of the D200.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 8, 2003
Nikon vs. Canon is one of the longest debates on the face of the planet. The answer is Nikon. No just kidding. The answer is how the camera feels to you. Don't go by what some Nikon fan boy or Canon fan boy has to say but go and actually hold the cameras and play with them. You will see that the Nikon is better. Just kidding again. On that note. I think the above Canon fan is trying to push the Canon a little bit to much. Both the D50 and the Rebel are amazing cameras. I'm getting the D50 because I prefer Nikon lenses to Canon lenses. I also liked the feel of the D50 compared to the Rebel.

However, there is a great used D50 in the Macrumors Marketplace. I bought a few things from the sale but the D50 is still there. Send the guy a PM and ask him about it. Good luck on your purchase but please please go play with them before deciding.


macrumors 6502
Feb 18, 2004
Ontario, Canada
I own and use a Canon Rebel XT. For the earlier poster, all Rebel lens should also fit the XT - the mounts should be the same.

I found the XT to be an excellent camera. From what I've read and from what various camera shops tell me, the Canon XT will probably be superior to the Nikon D50. However, superior might be a very fine distinction. You do get a better lens kits with the D50 if you get the 17-70 mm lens; the 18-55 mm lens kit for the XT is adequate, but not spectacular. What distinguishes the Canon is its Digic II processor for the images themselves, which seems to be very highly rated. I've considered switching to a Nikon because they have lens configurations that I want, but one of the major camera outfitters near me (that sell ALL sorts of cameras) was very convinced that the XT is superior.

But again, at that price range, and unless you go pro, you really can't go wrong with either. In fact, if you're on a budget but 'want it all', consider the digital super zoom category, like a Panasonic FZ30, Fuji S9000, Canon S3 IS, etc. They're not quite a dSLR, but they're no slouches either. And you sometimes get some really useful functions, like image stabilization. Now THAT really makes a difference sometimes!

(By the way, if you're in Canada, consider a local seller like Future Shop or Best Buy, and check out prices at online retailers like Many places will price match.)


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
aaron.lee2006 said:
.... I don't want a standard P&S. I need something more advanced. What do you guys think. Is a Nikon D50 nice?

I'm guessing this will turn into a Canon Vs. Nikon debate. One bit of advice: Don't listen to people who tell you "All Canons are XXX" or all "Nikons are ZZZ". This is always an over generalization. Nikon and Canon make comparable equipment.

Also you hear this type of argument: The Corvett is faster than the F250 pickup. Therefore Chevy is better than Ford therefor I'm buying a Geo Metro. Yes I've read that same argument here many times. It goes like this "pro at football games all have high-end Canon equipment so I will by a 350D for vacation shots.

The way to buy an SLR is to step back and look at the _total_ system you would like to own, maybe three lenses and one body and a strobe. As for budget you will be spending more on the lenses then the body so do your research on the lenses as that will be mostly what you are buying.

One thing NOT to do is buy a camera body and then decide on an area of photography. Lets say you bought an Olympus Evolt then got into wildlife. You be stuck becase you would not be able to buy a long and fast tele lens. Nikon and Canon do offer many suitable lenses. So plan well ahead. Switching systems is expensive

End the end the advice you get here is worth about what you paid for it.
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