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Original poster
Jun 7, 2017
Good Ol' US of A
I work in telecom and we sometimes test multiple versions of our IMS app, swapping out back and forth.

NOTICE: These apps we are using are NOT on the App Store as they are ALPHA or BETA internal use only for finding bugs and issues with transport/session management/etc.

I can't do my job anymore, as the App Store updated iTunes auto. And while I am using an older version of iTunes I found on the web, I really am worried that one day it'll stop functioning.

What is a long term solution to someone who needs to add an app that is NOT in the App Store to an iPhone/iPad?
I did that and it shows a + symbol in green but when I release nothing happens. Nothing changes on the device.
I just tried it and when I clicked "sync" it copied the app over. Or maybe it did it automatically as I actually clicked sync as soon as I'd dragged the .ipa file over and "dropped" it there.
I am using an older version of iTunes I found on the web, I really am worried that one day it'll stop functioning.
You are not alone on this one. I'm running Sierra with iTunes 10.4.1, because it just works, and am very concerned about the upcoming High Sierra debut. It's time for some serious backup before I install that beast!
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