Also having this issue. Think it has more to do with iTunes 12.8 rather than macOS 10.13.6 as I updated iTunes before macOS (restarting is kind of pain when you have lots of half started projects) and the problem occurred before the macOS update ran.
I do have iTunes Match Music showing, but none of my Movies or TV iCloud Library shows.
Glad I’m not the only one. I spent some time yesterday with Apple support. Not very productive. Apple needs to hire competent people.
First guy was saying I can just redone load them through the purchased tab... which I told him I can do. I want streaming.
Second person was friendly but she didn’t know how to help so she sent me to the senior advisor.
Senior advisor didn’t know what to do and seems to think it’s my network. I explained that my network is 150gb/s but she insisted I try in a different network and try again.
What I have found out. If you log out of a device that works/shows your purchases within app and log back in - the prchases disappear. If you click on purchases in the App Store you get a message saying you have no purchases. The same menu in iTunes doesn’t have the issue. On iOS, TV app shows an a default message stating that WHEN you buy movies/TV the screen will populate with them. Same message on iTunes on Mac with different wordings. Non local music and podcasts show up but not movies/TV.
If someone has a spare iOS device and wants to test it out - log out of iTunes/app store and sign back in. You purchases will be gone.
Another thing I realized. I’ve edited my billing information recently since I moved. Could be the issue as it seems that it’s a problem with iCloud not iOS/macOS.