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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 23, 2002
Has anyone else had this problem with iTunes 4.6? The "Join Tracks" feature no longer works. It's always greyed out, no matter what I try. Nothing I can do gets it to work. I've tried using this with both CDs and AIFF files. No go. Never had this problem with 4.5 or 4.2.

Any luck with this, anyone?
I'm using 4.6 and it still seems to work. I've only joined tracks from CD's but all i did was select the tracks I wanted to join and selected join tracks from the advanced tab. Might be worth a re-install.
Is there a way to "join" tracks in iTunes so that iTunes treats them as 1 song?

The feature described here -- "Join CD tracks" -- under the "Advanced" menu is grayed out on my iTunes 4.6 as well.

What I'd like to do is link 2 songs -- you know the kind where they're joined on the album but get broken as separate tracks on iTunes.

Case in point: Jackson Browne....

"The Load Out" transitions into "Stay" on the CD but ends abruptly and goes to another song on iTunes. Even when you play the songs in series, there's a break.

I just tried reinstalling twice. Same problem on two different machines (both G3's: iMac DVSE and iBook). The "Join Tracks" feature works just fine in iTunes 4.6 for Windows, though. (Just tested that.) Go figure.

Anyone else with a G3, please test this and post here if you have any success with it. Or confirm failure.

iBook, the "Join Tracks" feature only works on importing. (That is, if you can get it to work at all on 4.6.) It cannot join tracks already in your library.
Pepzhez said:
the "Join Tracks" feature only works on importing. (That is, if you can get it to work at all on 4.6.) It cannot join tracks already in your library.

Thanks. I bought the songs in question from the iTMS. Guess I'll have to learn to live with the songs playing separately. :(

This is one of the downsides of buying from iTMS vs. buying the CD. Wonder if Apple will eventually offer a workaround given the incentive to buy the whole cd vs. cherry pick the singles from the Web site.

(Pssst! Apple. Please offer this capability for songs bought from iTMS.)
Yeah, I've been hoping for the same ability in iTunes. I have a lot of DJ compilations that are continuously mixed on the CD, so when you listen, it sounds like one DJ session, but (I guess) during the mastering process they put track marks in. Those compilations are the only thing that keeps me from permanently retiring my Sony mega CD changer :)
Pepzhez said:
I just tried reinstalling twice. Same problem on two different machines (both G3's: iMac DVSE and iBook). The "Join Tracks" feature works just fine in iTunes 4.6 for Windows, though. (Just tested that.) Go figure.

Anyone else with a G3, please test this and post here if you have any success with it. Or confirm failure.

iBook, the "Join Tracks" feature only works on importing. (That is, if you can get it to work at all on 4.6.) It cannot join tracks already in your library.

i have a DVSE iMac as well, and i discovered just last night that it's grayed out-- i was working out with my iPod, found a gap, and went to fix it-- but couldn't manage to. i'd definitely love it if someone knows the answer, i tried everything i could think of...

So do we conclude that this iTunes 4.6 problem is only with regard to G3 processors? No feedback on this thread from G4 (or G5) users.

I sent a bug report to Apple about this, although I don't expect them to fix it any time soon. They really need to get things together. Even their iTunes feedback page is out of date. You're required to use a drop down menu for the iTunes version you're using, and they don't even have an option for version 4.6.

It's a real drag that 4.6 for Windows works just fine, and this particular feature won't even work on a Mac. Never thought I'd see the day.... (sigh)
I just tried to use 'join tracks' in 4.6 on my TiBook G4 and it seems to be working fine. It seems odd that it wouldn't work for a G3, why would that be? I hope Apple can fix this soon.
Pepzhez said:
Has anyone else had this problem with iTunes 4.6? The "Join Tracks" feature no longer works. It's always greyed out, no matter what I try. Nothing I can do gets it to work. I've tried using this with both CDs and AIFF files. No go. Never had this problem with 4.5 or 4.2.

Any luck with this, anyone?

it is greyed out on iTunes 4.6 on my 1.5ghz powerbook.

i did not know this feature existed though. can someone tell me how it is supposed to work? i have a bunch of CDs i've already coverted to aac, but like others have mentioned, some of them have separate tracks that should really be played one right after the other without pause or crossfade (e.g. last 20 minutes of abbey road). is join tracks supposed to work on music you've already converted or just on CDs?
Bruce Lee said:
is join tracks supposed to work on music you've already converted or just on CDs?

I believe it's only supposed to work while you're importing. So if you put in a disc, and then select two songs, the 'join tracks' should be available. I'm not sure if there's a way to do this with songs you've already imported. (it would be nice)
MacFan26 said:
I believe it's only supposed to work while you're importing. So if you put in a disc, and then select two songs, the 'join tracks' should be available. I'm not sure if there's a way to do this with songs you've already imported. (it would be nice)

Thanks! I guess that brings up another thing I'd been wondering about: how do you submit feature requests to Apple?
Bruce Lee said:
Thanks! I guess that brings up another thing I'd been wondering about: how do you submit feature requests to Apple?

If you go under the iTunes menu in iTunes, you can find "provide iTunes feeback." Or you can just go to this site which is the same link that iTunes will take you to. Someone should request they put version 4.6 as one of the versions you can select :D
MacFan26 said:
I believe it's only supposed to work while you're importing. So if you put in a disc, and then select two songs, the 'join tracks' should be available. I'm not sure if there's a way to do this with songs you've already imported. (it would be nice)

oh? well then this would be my problem, i'll dig out the CD later and try re-importing it with those tracks joined... but that really pisses me off, there's no reason it couldn't work post-rip. i mean, if they were two different bitrates and the album name was spelled wrong in one (eg, they were downloaded from P2P), i could understand it. but i ripped this CD just a couple of months ago.

Submitting feature ideas to Apple is tricky, they don't like them much. unless it's a beta of course. you could probably just email or any number of other made-up addresses that someone probably checks... works wonders if you're having a bad problem, but perhaps not for feature requests.

Another point to remember about Join Tracks is that it is only available if the tracks are sorted by track number (the column on the extreme left when browsing a CD). If this is so, that column appears blue and contains an up arrow. You also need to have two or more consecutive tracks selected.

If, for example, the tracks are sorted by album, then the join tracks feature will be greyed out, even though the tracks will usually be listed in the same order.
ya, i'd say loge's idea is probably the explanation. I've got a G3 iMac and its working fine. i couldn't live without this feature. I imported abbey road as two tracks, side a and side b. I've also joined tracks on albums by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Dave Matthews Band, Jimi Hendrix, and anything live. I don't see why they can't somehow get mp3 tracks to play continuously just like the original cd's.
I was hoping that with Apple Lossless, i would be able to copy and burn a cd and have it play with no gaps, but no luck.
I remember this feature leaving me scratching my head, wondering huh? I guess the key word in the option is CD, Join CD Tracks. Once I figured that out I felt pretty stupid.

Curious to know what types of music people are joining. I have joined a few of the tracks from Squarepushers live CD, 2nd CD on the Do You Know Squarepusher 2 CD set. I have also done a couple of classical arrangements.
No, I'm telling you that something is screwy with iTunes 4.6 on both of my G3 machines. I've also found people on other forums having the same problem. I know how to use the "join tracks" feature since it was introduced, and it's not currently working.

Of course we wouldn't need this stupid feature in the first place if Apple would just get iTunes to play gapless. I really don't know why they've been dragging their feet on this issue for so long. The late lamented Audion (maybe it's still available, but woefully out of date) could do this with no problem. It also allowed you to join any tracks in your library at the click of a button. That was, what, four years ago? Come on, Apple, what's the hold up here?
'join tracks' not work apple solution

Have you tried what the guy said? I spent ages thinking the 'join tracks' thing didn't work - it was permanently greyed out. But apple say you have to have the songs lined up 'in congruity' or something like that. Basically when you're importing an audio cd, just click on the empty box at the top of the track numbers (the top left box in the grid - just to the left of the 'song name' box) until an upward blue arrow appears. It worked for me...
Thanks all for the info about Apple feature requests. I submitted some iTunes feedback, which Apple can now dutifully ignore. :)
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