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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 24, 2008
Anyone know if this is safe to download for Jailbroke 3gs. Just got a message saying new update is out.
I just did the jailbreak on my 3GS yesterday and iTunes 8.2.1 seems fine for Purplera1n and for me.....:cool::cool::cool:

Supposedly Apple has included some kind of mod into 8.2.1 to prevent a phone from being JB with 8.2.1 (as I have read, that's what I understood) Pretty sure I read this on MuscleNerd's twitter (member of Dev_Team)

Apparently, if your phone is JB already, no issue, but posters have reported if you want to JB with 3.1, do not install 8.2.1.

Seems far fetched to me however ??
ever since i did the jailbreak on my 3g, about 2 weeks ago, I havent opened itunes yet
is there something I should do differently now when i sync with itunes?

I dont want to mess anything up :eek:

I have cydia and all that good stuff
ever since i did the jailbreak on my 3g, about 2 weeks ago, I havent opened itunes yet
is there something I should do differently now when i sync with itunes?

I dont want to mess anything up :eek:

I have cydia and all that good stuff

Nope youre all good. You wont have any problems at all.
Supposedly Apple has included some kind of mod into 8.2.1 to prevent a phone from being JB with 8.2.1 (as I have read, that's what I understood) Pretty sure I read this on MuscleNerd's twitter (member of Dev_Team)

Apparently, if your phone is JB already, no issue, but posters have reported if you want to JB with 3.1, do not install 8.2.1.

Seems far fetched to me however ??

Doesnt make sense because if you update you wont be jailbroken anymore anyways and will have to redo it. Either way, ill stick with 8.2 and hope 3.1 makes my phone able to backup again in iTunes.
I went ahead and updated iTunes to 8.2.1 and was concerned with the JB, but as I said earlier, I was able to JB w/o issues. Fastest JB I've ever experienced...:cool::cool::cool:


Jailbreaking is becoming as seamless as most Mac operations! I did this with iTunes 8.2.1 and redsn0w 0.8 on my 3G S running 3.0.

Jailbroken in less than 10 minutes!!
can you confirm whether uploading custom carrier bundles works with 8.2.1 (defaults write carrier-testing -bool TRUE)
Why would updating your iTunes affect your already JB iPhone? It doesn't make sense. If you haven't JB then the new update of iTunes 'might' not let you JB. Moreover, if you did update your iTunes and can't JB then you can just uninstall it then install a version of iTunes that allows you to JB. It just seems stupid asking this question.
Why would updating your iTunes affect your already JB iPhone? It doesn't make sense. If you haven't JB then the new update of iTunes 'might' not let you JB. Moreover, if you did update your iTunes and can't JB then you can just uninstall it then install a version of iTunes that allows you to JB. It just seems stupid asking this question.

It won't.

Apparently, if your phone is JB already, no issue, but posters have reported if you want to JB with 3.1, do not install 8.2.1.
After I updated to iTunes 8.2.1 every time I log to cydia my phone 3.0 crash.
Anyone got the same experiance?
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