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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 15, 2015
I’m not sure if this is the right place to post about this topic, so I apologize if it needs to be moved.

Long story short, about a year ago my phone crapped out. I managed to get most of that data onto a new phone, but my music was still on my new laptop which that phone hasn’t been synced to, so iTunes kept telling me I had to re-sync the phone (losing all of my data) in order to get my music onto my new phone.

Since that point I’ve been looking for an iTunes alternative. Bought one, it didn’t work, so now I’m a little weary about trying another. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


macrumors 6502
Nov 11, 2016
iTunes Match should allow you to download all the music on your phone from your library plus any third party tracks would get an iTunes Store version for download and if not found it would upload to iCloud as is. That’s from experience as I use it. I got it for the actual match feature itself not so much for the cloud music. After you pay for Match which is ~$25 per year which you can cancel any time, just open the music app and you get the option to either play from cloud or download the tracks.

Other option is to download a third party music app on your phone and copy all the music to it from the iTunes folder on your computer.

Last time I used a true alternative to sync music was years ago with WinAmp so in terms of that route someone else can chime in about programs with similar abilities.
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macrumors P6
May 16, 2015
I used iExplorer a while ago. It allows you to copy your music from iPhone back to iTunes, with everything intact. You can give it a try.


Staff member
Jul 1, 2014
I use iTunes Match and iMazing, where appropriate.

That said, iirc, syncing music from iTunes should not restore the phone: hit sync and music should move over. Worst case scenario, backup the phone to iTunes and then do the sync: roundtrip data from the phone, music gets pushed. This is the basic scenario with my phone and Podcasts, where almost all my podcasts are on Mac and moved to phone, with no data loss.
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