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Daniel Santos

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 1, 2012

I am a subscriber of iTunes match, and until recently I had my iphone using that account. I could connect to wifi, see all the music in my iTunes match library and download the items I wanted to hear when not on wifi.

Because some albums were disappearing from the phone, and I had to download them again, I tried the option to manually manage the music library on the phone.

When I connect the phone to my MBP, and open the music on the phone through the itunes mac app, only some albums that I know I have downloaded when using the match service to the phone are listed. I can add more albums from my library, as long as I've downloaded them to the mac. Those show up. I am not sure that the music that was previously on the phone and that also appears on the mac app are the purchased albums.

So, to summarize-it, the songs I had downloaded to the phone when I was using iTunes match don't show up on iTunes on the mac when the phone is selected (maybe only the purchases)

Can anyone shed some light on this ? Is it a bug ? or a feature ?
PS : I have the latest version of iOS on the phone. The iTunes version I currently don't know because I am at work. When I get home I can post it here.
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