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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 27, 2012
London UK

my girlfriend is a dance teacher and she uses a lot of content found and purchased on Amazon music to prepare lessons done at the bar (and ok, same songs can be found on Apple Music as well), and then for certain live shows she needs to have let's say cut version of same songs (like 1 min instead of full 2:30).

I am the one doing the cuts, and i'm honestly tired to do that :(

On top of this i'd gladly have her switch to Apple Music and have playlists sorted in iTunes (rather than using her old Samsung as a music player) so she should enjoy the benefits of everything synced on her MBP and the iPhone (since she'd love to just have the iPhone playing music instead of something else).

So, the scenario would be:

- She subs Apple Music;
- She manages purchases, songs & playlists on iTunes;
- She edits the songs she need to (after purchasing them) and saves them as "cut" version;

What program would you suggest to to the underlined? An easy to use and explain one (not like Audacity f.e., she wouldn't be able to use it).
Or what other workflow would you suggest?

I come from the Winamp era and i yet have to use iTunes and the features of Apple Music, this is why i'm asking. Sounds odd i know!

Thanks for all the help!


macrumors 65816
Jul 30, 2009
In iTunes, if you open the Song Info (used to be Get Info), the Options tab allows you to specify Start and Stop times for a song. It is a little hit and miss, but the scrubbing bar shows times while a song is playing, so start playing a song, when it gets to the point she wants to start, pause it and enter that time, then find the end time and enter it.

No matter what iTunes syncs that song to, it will play only that portion of that song. Should work with or without Apple Music I assume, certainly works for stuff in your local library. I would guess any Apple Music songs you add to your local library should work like this.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 27, 2012
London UK

This was really helpful, thanks a lot!
So it should work with any Apple Music content downloaded, and it applies the "setting" on all devices from whaet you say, correct?

Will have a try. Thanks again!

P.S. Obviously more suggestions are welcome.


macrumors 65816
Jul 30, 2009

This was really helpful, thanks a lot!
So it should work with any Apple Music content downloaded, and it applies the "setting" on all devices from whaet you say, correct?

Will have a try. Thanks again!

P.S. Obviously more suggestions are welcome.

I don't currently sub to Apple Music. I have a few songs I ripped from CD that I cut out the beginning or ending of using this method on Mac. When the songs sync to iPhone, they play only the portion of the song set in the Start\Stop range.

I speculate any song you download using Apple Music will behave the same. As I understand, AM allows you to download tracks for offline playback, adding them to your media library with a tag that deletes the song if you stop your subscription. Otherwise, the track is identical to ripped or purchased tracks in your library.

When you look at the progress bar, it shows the full length of the song. But, it does follow the settings. So, a 5 minute song set to stop at 3 minutes will play till it hits the 3 minute mark, then stop playing, despite it appearing to have 2 more minutes for the track. So, do this for all the songs in a given playlist and it will simply move on to the next when it hits the stop time.
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macrumors 68030
Apr 13, 2011
If you are already using Apple music yourself, try changing start and end times of a songs, then wait and see if that propagates to all devices. I'm not certain it does.
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