TV is showing up in the devices list in iTunes, but it suddenly won't display any of my non-synced content.
Everything was working perfectly fine, and then without any changes being made to anything, the next time i fired up later the same day - no content was being displayed.
I restarted the

TV, restarted my router (though clearly its on the network since it's showing up in iTunes), restarted my computer, reopened iTunes, all to no avail.
Just to see if iTunes and the

TV could "talk" to one another, i tried syncing some new content to it that I was previously only streaming, and the sync worked fine - so I can't figure out what the problem is. It's clearly on the network, and iTunes can clearly still communicate with the device because a sync worked fine.
Any insight??? All of the answers I've found deal with the

TV not showing up in iTunes but, again, that isn't the problem here.