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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 19, 2003
Long Island, NY
OK maybe theres an option im overlooking in itunes, but i been putting all my mp3's under my MUSIC folder, but then i notice my hardrive was quickly losing space.. i then noticed that itunes copys all my mp3s that i put in my MUSIC folder into the ITUNES folder. So its making two another copy of the same mp3... how do i fix this? so i dont have two of the same mp3 and taking so much of my space..????
When I first found out that iTunes did the same thing, and I couldn't find a way to tell iTunes knock it off, boy, was I pissed or what?

Yet the solution is ridiculously simple. Go to iTunes > Preferences > Advanced >:
Uncheck the last two options.
I've found the easiest thing to do is to open iTunes and drag new music into the library and drag what you don't want to the trash. You don't get odd database problems and duplicates that way.
i have a massive library, and consume about 2 cds a week - right now im at 13314 songs which is according to itunes 1050 full albums. i store all my music on my secondary La Cie Porsche HD. I occasionally find itunes converts my cds to aac and stores them on my primary hd, while i want it to organize and store it on my secondary drive. I have the default folder placed in my secondary drive rather then the primary. there are lots of lil data base quirks i tend to find. i guess itunes wasnt really made to handle a library as large as mine.

i also find scrolling and searching is slower when my library got past 10000 songs. Im running a 1 ghz AlBook (17 in)

other then then stupid database annoyances, and scrolling issues - i still think itunes is the best thing to use to keep my music collection organized.
HA! 10,000 songs......

When I first merged our house server with iTunes we were well over 30-35 thousand songs. It took some while but copied everything correctly to the save folder and has never slowed down.

You do realise you can select your default music folder in iTunes preferences. So serge, you should make your MUSIC folder default. And then all it will do when you add to the library will be to reorganise them within the same folder.
yah, but what about when you need to add to the library so you can convert to aac?

if you do that, then you'll end up adding music twice!

oye - complications!


30 000 songs?? WOW! *bows down* WE'RE NOT WORTHY!!!! WE'RE NOT WORTHY!!!
Change the location of you iTunes library to that of your music folder. easiest way, therefore, when you import it simply puts it all there.

preferences ->advanced.

Once it is all setup just let itunes take care of everything. To add to the library just drag into the center of the application and to take out, drag out or delete. No need to fuss with where it is located after that.
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