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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 20, 2010
I've received monthly payments from iTunes for several years. This month )May) is the first time that they have failed to send me a payment despite daily sales.

Several fellow artists have not received their payment either.

Make me wonder what's going on.
Monthly. Mine are typically in the middle of the month with US sales first and international a day or two later.
Monthly. Mine are typically in the middle of the month with US sales first and international a day or two later.
Sent out as a check from Apple, done through some intermediary service, or some other way?
The details are unimportant IMO. The point is that several people besides myself have not received royalties this month. I posted here in the hope that it might find its way back to Apple.
The details are unimportant IMO. The point is that several people besides myself have not received royalties this month. I posted here in the hope that it might find its way back to Apple.
I guess the details might potentially be important in case there is some intermediary or some other service involved that might be worth checking in with as there might be something on their end of things. Aside form that, checking with Apple certainly seems like a reasonable thing to do as well, although contacting Apple in some sort of more direct fashion would likely be the way to go as these are just plain user discussion forums which aren't even affiliated with Apple (aside form just being about Apple).
Why don't you ask Apple (iTunes Connect Finance support for example) directly and let us know their reply instead of hoping "it might find its way back to Apple"? Or did you try that already and they just ignored you? If that is not the case, going directly to the public instead of talking directly to your business partner is at least a bit weird in my opinion.
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