Lately I've been ripping some of my DVDs into iTunes for use with Apple TV. I'm having a recurring issue where iTunes "forgets" Movie and TV Show files. They still exist in my iTunes library, properly tagged in their proper locations, but are no longer listed in iTunes. I have to reimport the Movie and TV Show folders...which does nothing, other than update the info in iTunes. I suspect this is the .xml file either not updating correctly or somehow reverting to a previous version, as not all of my Movies or TV Shows disappear, only some of them. Any suggestions?
Oh, another aspect of this I forgot to mention, some of the TV shows spontaneously revert to Movies, and I have to reset their "Media Kind" tag.
Oh, another aspect of this I forgot to mention, some of the TV shows spontaneously revert to Movies, and I have to reset their "Media Kind" tag.
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