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macrumors newbie
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Jul 16, 2008
Lately I've been ripping some of my DVDs into iTunes for use with Apple TV. I'm having a recurring issue where iTunes "forgets" Movie and TV Show files. They still exist in my iTunes library, properly tagged in their proper locations, but are no longer listed in iTunes. I have to reimport the Movie and TV Show folders...which does nothing, other than update the info in iTunes. I suspect this is the .xml file either not updating correctly or somehow reverting to a previous version, as not all of my Movies or TV Shows disappear, only some of them. Any suggestions?

Oh, another aspect of this I forgot to mention, some of the TV shows spontaneously revert to Movies, and I have to reset their "Media Kind" tag.
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Lately I've been ripping some of my DVDs into iTunes for use with Apple TV. I'm having a recurring issue where iTunes "forgets" Movie and TV Show files. They still exist in my iTunes library, properly tagged in their proper locations, but are no longer listed in iTunes. I have to reimport the Movie and TV Show folders...which does nothing, other than update the info in iTunes. I suspect this is the .xml file either not updating correctly or somehow reverting to a previous version, as not all of my Movies or TV Shows disappear, only some of them. Any suggestions?

Oh, another aspect of this I forgot to mention, some of the TV shows spontaneously revert to Movies, and I have to reset their "Media Kind" tag.

Sounds like you may have a corruption in the making of the iTunes library database. I had similar incidents a year ago or more. Ended up deleting the library files and building a new one. Hasn't happened since.

As for some of your TV shows 'reverting' media kind to movies, I still have like half a dozen files that do that. I've even reripped them to no avail. It also seems setting the media kind field in iTunes to the appropriate format doesn't actually write 'into' the file. - in summary...I dont have an answer to this part.:D
Regarding the TV-show media kind; it's not that strange since this tag is not stored in the file but the iTunes library. If the library don't know about the file it will import it using the default media kind. I can see your frustration but it's a very logical consequense of your original problem.

The only times I had you problem with iTunes loosing information on the file is on a process crash (I'm on windows) resulting in a failure to write to the library file. But I understand that that is not the problem here...
Regarding the TV-show media kind; it's not that strange since this tag is not stored in the file but the iTunes library. If the library don't know about the file it will import it using the default media kind.

I cant see that as being right, as I run my library in two locations, and often take the main library and import into a new library at the second location. 99.9% of the files (TV, Movie, Music & Music Videos) come into a new library fine. But a couple of music videos and about 6 TV shows continually come in as Movies. Not a bad average as I'm importing something in the order of 20,000 individual items. Surely the fault would be much higher if the Media Kind field was not written into it in some fashion.

That is very strange. I also have two libraries using the same media and I have a fail rate of 100% when importing TV-shows. They ALL get media kind "video". As I said I use windows, do you perhaps have OSX?
I think I found a workaround that has worked so far. I never seem to have this problem with music files, so whenever I add a bunch of movie or tv show video files to the library, I go to one of my music files and add some sort of random comment to one of the seems to force the library file to write out correctly on exit. I know it doesn't make sense (perhaps iTunes has a bug adding ripped video files, since it doesn't technically "support" it?)?

Update: Nope this isn't a reliable workaround, seemed to work a couple times, but again tonight ripped a bunch of discs and on re-open they were not listed anymore. Sigh.
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That is very strange. I also have two libraries using the same media and I have a fail rate of 100% when importing TV-shows. They ALL get media kind "video". As I said I use windows, do you perhaps have OSX?

You guess rightly. Though I shouldn't think this makes a difference. Interesting.
This happens all the time. Changes to the media type do not "stick". Each time you import the file you will have this problem unless you change the metadata on the file itself. Use a program like Subler to change the media type on the file. Then it will import properly.
This happens all the time. Changes to the media type do not "stick". Each time you import the file you will have this problem unless you change the metadata on the file itself. Use a program like Subler to change the media type on the file. Then it will import properly.

I use to use MetaX, now iFlicks, but I can tell you, these half a dozen files I have absolutely refuse to have media kind 'stick' within the metadata. Mystery of life I suppose!!
Tagging solution

To ensure that iTunes imports your TV Programmes correctly, add the following tag to the file using a tag editor:


Set it to the value:

TV Show

Now, when you add the file to iTunes for the first time, it should place it in the correct area.

Hope this helps.
To ensure that iTunes imports your TV Programmes correctly, add the following tag to the file using a tag editor:


Set it to the value:

TV Show

Now, when you add the file to iTunes for the first time, it should place it in the correct area.

Hope this helps.

HELPS!?!?!?! Oh my lord!!! That was migraine-busting GREAT advice!!!! I've battled this problem for months! There is literally NO mention of it on the apple discussion forums, and it took multiple google searches using different wording and phrases before finding this forum... a forum with your post of instructions.... instructions that are EXACTLY what I needed! If I sound grateful, it's because I am, I am, I am!!!!!! You deserve a GIANT GOLD STAR!!! THANK YOU!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Which Tag editor you used?

Which Tag editor worked for you to specify the "Media Kind"?


HELPS!?!?!?! Oh my lord!!! That was migraine-busting GREAT advice!!!! I've battled this problem for months! There is literally NO mention of it on the apple discussion forums, and it took multiple google searches using different wording and phrases before finding this forum... a forum with your post of instructions.... instructions that are EXACTLY what I needed! If I sound grateful, it's because I am, I am, I am!!!!!! You deserve a GIANT GOLD STAR!!! THANK YOU!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Which Tag editor worked for you to specify the "Media Kind"?


look at identify it will tag all of your shows with everything, as long as they are named properly.

so take "arrested.devolpment.S01.E01.mp4", drag it in, hit the button, and it will come out fully tagged for itunes, with episode title, and everything.
look at identify it will tag all of your shows with everything, as long as they are named properly.

so take "arrested.devolpment.S01.E01.mp4", drag it in, hit the button, and it will come out fully tagged for itunes, with episode title, and everything.

Yes try identify, I have had great luck so far with over 600 movies and 1200 tv episodes
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