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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 25, 2008
This might be more UK orientated, but, when you buy an HD movie from iTunes, is the HD version then viewable on Mac?

In the UK we don't have the ability to download HD movies in iTunes on Mac, but I believe it is possible on the iPad (correct me if I'm wrong here...). If that's so, then being able to then watch the HD content back on a Mac once synced would be a big bonus!

This might be more UK orientated, but, when you buy an HD movie from iTunes, is the HD version then viewable on Mac?

In the UK we don't have the ability to download HD movies in iTunes on Mac, but I believe it is possible on the iPad (correct me if I'm wrong here...). If that's so, then being able to then watch the HD content back on a Mac once synced would be a big bonus!


I just asked this same question about HD movies on the iPhone. I am currently downloading an HD movie on my iPhone 4 and was hoping I could then watch it on my computer. Guess I'll find out in about 40 minutes. :)
HD movie rentals for the iPad cannot be transferred to another device such as a computer or iPhone

At least that's what the US store says in the iPad iTunes application when you tap "learn about rentals". Insofar as HD purchases, you should be able to transfer, but there is a lot of content for the iPad that's only available in HD for rental only, i.e., Avatar.
HD movie rentals for the iPad cannot be transferred to another device such as a computer or iPhone

At least that's what the US store says in the iPad iTunes application when you tap "learn about rentals". Insofar as HD purchases, you should be able to transfer, but there is a lot of content for the iPad that's only available in HD for rental only, i.e., Avatar.

I have just found this to be correct. :(

I downloaded my movie onto my iPhone and there is no way to transfer it to my computer to watch there.

I hope they change that in the future. One day I will get an iPad but that day isn't here yet.
I'm taking Apple to task for this. The iTunes UK Terms of Service (as of 29th June, 2010) stipulates that:


Products in high definition resolution (HD) are viewable only on computers, iPad, or TVs using your Apple TV; however, HD Products purchased also include a standard definition version delivered to your computer that may be transferred to your iPod or iPhone.​


(xv) Film Rentals:

(aa) Films are viewable only on your Mac or Windows computer (using iTunes 7.6 or later), iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, iPod nano (3rd or 4th generation), iPod classic, or on TVs using Apple TV. Films in high definition resolution (HD) are viewable only on your Mac or Windows computer, iPad, or TVs using your Apple TV. Films are viewable on only one device at a time.​


4. System Requirements. Use of the Service requires a device such as a computer with the iTunes application installed, Internet access (fees may apply), and certain software (fees may apply), and may require obtaining updates or upgrades from time to time. Because use of the Service involves hardware, software, and Internet access, your ability to use the Service may be affected by the performance of these factors. High speed Internet access is strongly recommended (and is required for Film Rentals). Content in high definition resolution (HD) is viewable only on computers or TVs using your Apple TV and must be downloaded directly to your computer or Apple TV. You acknowledge and agree that such system requirements, which may be changed from time to time, are your responsibility. The Service is not part of any other product or offering, and no purchase or rental (as applicable) or obtaining of any other product shall be construed to represent or guarantee you access to the Service.​

I can't see anything in the terms of service that states that HD films can't be viewed on a computer. Seems to suggest otherwise, in fact. I've just submitted a complaint to trading standards about how this can be interpreted from a consumer point of view - because as far as I'm concerned - if HD is mentioned on a film purchase, it should be viewable on the computer, iPad and Apple TV in HD. Apple have said to me that HD is only optimised for the iPad and Apple TV devices. Which is bull poop. I can't find any technical reason for not delivering an HD copy to the computer to play. SD movies on my PC running iTunes upscale terribly, so 720p HD would be quite nice. In the mean time, I'm avoiding iTunes and sticking with Blu-Ray.

Not happy with Apple at all right now.
Cheers for the replies. It does seem odd that you can't download on an iPhone/iPad and then view on PC.

But what I find really strange is that HD movies are currently limited to devices that really can't make the most of them (iPhone, iPad, Apple TV). OK Apple TV can, but they hardly sell that many. Not sure why they would release the films on those devices, but not PC's/Macs where most people would watch movies.

Oh well...
Cheers for the replies. It does seem odd that you can't download on an iPhone/iPad and then view on PC.

But what I find really strange is that HD movies are currently limited to devices that really can't make the most of them (iPhone, iPad, Apple TV). OK Apple TV can, but they hardly sell that many. Not sure why they would release the films on those devices, but not PC's/Macs where most people would watch movies.

Oh well...

HD will work rather well on an iPad - viewing a film close up even on a 9.7 inch screen will be better than standard definition. But there is absolutely no technical reason I can think of (and having spent six years within the heart of a respected visual effects facility constantly sending full-res film dailies and finals across the planet) that is stopping Apple from allowing HD playback on the computer.

iTunes UK already supports dual HD/SD TV programmes - why is they're stopping this with movies? I can't think it's a legal issue - why would a studio allow Apple to sell the HD version of the film only for the iPad and Apple TV? iTunes already has FairPlay DRM built in..

Apple have refused to say anything further.

Sadly I don't have £500-odd every time Steve Jobs sneezes a new product into the world. Have spent enough money over the years on Apple products as it is. Sigh.

Cheers for the replies. It does seem odd that you can't download on an iPhone/iPad and then view on PC.

But what I find really strange is that HD movies are currently limited to devices that really can't make the most of them (iPhone, iPad, Apple TV). OK Apple TV can, but they hardly sell that many. Not sure why they would release the films on those devices, but not PC's/Macs where most people would watch movies.

Oh well...

Just about every TV show/season that has been released in iTunes is available for free on websites that offer them. These are exact copies of HD programs with all of the DRM stripped out of them. We're talking whole complete seasons of the Office, 30 Rock, you name it, it's available to download for free.

I think Apple and the studios are worried that maybe these HD movies may make it to the net as free downloads as well. This would explain why they are available to view only on the device that you download them.

It's also possible that the movie studios are placing higher restrictions on some of these movies although why, I have no clue. Some of these movies are 20 years old. On my iPhone, they appear to be for rent only. I don't see any HD movies available for purchase though there are a few thousand available for purchase in iTunes through my computer, just not the same ones available on my iPhone.
Just about every TV show/season that has been released in iTunes is available for free on websites that offer them. These are exact copies of HD programs with all of the DRM stripped out of them. We're talking whole complete seasons of the Office, 30 Rock, you name it, it's available to download for free.

I think Apple and the studios are worried that maybe these HD movies may make it to the net as free downloads as well. This would explain why they are available to view only on the device that you download them.

It's also possible that the movie studios are placing higher restrictions on some of these movies although why, I have no clue. Some of these movies are 20 years old. On my iPhone, they appear to be for rent only. I don't see any HD movies available for purchase though there are a few thousand available for purchase in iTunes through my computer, just not the same ones available on my iPhone.

Yes, indeed - and legal too - iPlayer is one such example here in the UK. None of the other broadcasters have gone HD yet. In the US, Hulu, and no doubt other broadcasting companies offer similar.

In terms of obtaining programs and films (HD or otherwise) for free through dodgy resources does nobody any favours - the company that finances them loses out (the makers - not so much, as they'll get paid regardless). I believe remunerating for good quality stuff and not afraid to pay for it.

As for stuff making it out onto torrents, etc. Whatever you do, it's likely to happen. Most of the DRMs and security policies have been broken. That said, I object most strongly to any company that distrusts consumers enough that DRM has to be present. It is, unfortunately, a necessary evil. Apple have, in the past at least, attempted to fight for the consumer and have made concessions to studios to let Apple carry their stuff - but I still can't see why HD only content is specific to Apple's devices. Why not SD content too in that case?

it's been doing my head in for ages.

been looking into getting money on a US iTunes account for this reason.
This might be more UK orientated, but, when you buy an HD movie from iTunes, is the HD version then viewable on Mac?

In the UK we don't have the ability to download HD movies in iTunes on Mac, but I believe it is possible on the iPad (correct me if I'm wrong here...). If that's so, then being able to then watch the HD content back on a Mac once synced would be a big bonus!


When did it change? i know that we use to be able to download HD movies from iTunes.
I haven't read any replies, but here's the case:

-We CAN NOT purchase HD Movies to own AT ALL on iTunes.
-We CAN however RENT HD Movies, but they are only viewable on the iPad you download it onto (Can't transfer it over to Mac).
-We CAN still download to OWN HD TV Shows, but that's it.

By the time Jobs allows HD purchases to own on the UK store, we'll have Blu-Ray in 3D on the iMacs :rolleyes:
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