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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 23, 2003
I am trying to make a mix cd in Itunes for my school talent show, but I do not want the whole track is there a program free or relatively in-expensive that will let me select only parts of songs to burn to the cd.

Thank you very much,
Sound Studio

Get familiar with the importing/exporting features primarily.

You'll need to import the AIFF of the full song into the program (to keep the quality up)
Then you'll need to take the selection that you want, and either do a Save Selection (to AIFF), or bring it into a new window and save it as an AIFF from there. It's basic separation of audio. Just get familiar with Sound Studio first. 14 day (not continuous) free trial.
Thank you for your help but is there an easier program to use for a novice like me or is that the only program?
There is nothing that I know of that is (A) faster OR (B) better, and has at most the "price tag" of Sound Studio. The only thing that might compare is Audacity, but its slower and a lot less stable. By a lot less stable, I mean this: Any squirrels that tried to use Audacity ended up being blown up like road kill on the interstate...every hour.
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