When was this introduced?
Whenever i open itunes, i get a message "making your icloiud music library available" and will not play music before its finished.
But if my macbook falls to sleep and i wake it again this process starts over again.
The problem is this will take from 10seconds to 2minutes and sometimes even crashes/hangs.
no internet connection issues.
If you combine this with other weird stuff like magically double tracks in albums, unplayable songs i wonder why i'm even using this instead of my old ipod which always worked...
last week i tried creating a playlist on my iphone (6). it completely crashed the music app every time i did this. only remedy was rebooting the phone. When has apple become this crappy software company?
Whenever i open itunes, i get a message "making your icloiud music library available" and will not play music before its finished.
But if my macbook falls to sleep and i wake it again this process starts over again.
The problem is this will take from 10seconds to 2minutes and sometimes even crashes/hangs.
no internet connection issues.
If you combine this with other weird stuff like magically double tracks in albums, unplayable songs i wonder why i'm even using this instead of my old ipod which always worked...
last week i tried creating a playlist on my iphone (6). it completely crashed the music app every time i did this. only remedy was rebooting the phone. When has apple become this crappy software company?