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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 11, 2008
so i've been reading here for a while now, jailbroke and unlocked my iphone 2g to tmobile back with 1.4 and then upgraded to 2.0 and 2.1 with no problems. i just followed the steps in threads given here.

last night i made the mistake of clearing my springboard of icons with and leaving only a few icons in the dock and using stacks to get to everything.. well big mistake cause when i did a respring, the phone got stuck at the spinning loading icon continuously until the battery ran out.

i searched for a few hours today and tried to restore the phone back to the virgin 2.1 firmware and other restores. each time the restore finished, the iphone gives me the connect to itunes and slide for emergency screen, the status bar says tmobile, and itunes gives me the message:

"The SIM card inserted in this iPhone does not appear to be supported. Only compatible SIM cards may be used to activate the iphone. etc."

so now im stuck and i really need my phone for work throughout the day. if someone can please help me out. thanks!!
so i've been reading here for a while now, jailbroke and unlocked my iphone 2g to tmobile back with 1.4 and then upgraded to 2.0 and 2.1 with no problems. i just followed the steps in threads given here.

last night i made the mistake of clearing my springboard of icons with and leaving only a few icons in the dock and using stacks to get to everything.. well big mistake cause when i did a respring, the phone got stuck at the spinning loading icon continuously until the battery ran out.

i searched for a few hours today and tried to restore the phone back to the virgin 2.1 firmware and other restores. each time the restore finished, the iphone gives me the connect to itunes and slide for emergency screen, the status bar says tmobile, and itunes gives me the message:

"The SIM card inserted in this iPhone does not appear to be supported. Only compatible SIM cards may be used to activate the iphone. etc."

so now im stuck and i really need my phone for work throughout the day. if someone can please help me out. thanks!!

Restore the iPhone with a Custom Firmware using WinPwn or PwnageTool. Just check activate the iPhone while making the custom firmware.
i jsut downloaded winpwn since i have vista. the directions say to use the 2.0 firmware. then i can just upgrade from to 2.1 through itunes right?
well i finally got it back up and running.. i winpwned down to 2.02 firmware, upgraded through itunes to 2.1, and used quickpwn to either rejailbreak or something to get the cydia and installer apps showing. finnaly.. now i can get back to getting my old apps back.
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