Originally posted by hempsci
Any more advice?
advice? well let me tell you how I have mine setup and you can tell me if it helped you.
I have the following hardware:
15" FP iMac 700mhz
12" 900mhz iBook
15 GB 3G iPod
60 GB AcomData Firewire 400 HD.
I made the following assumptions...
1. I only would want to play my iTunes on my iBook when I am home connected to my network other wise I'd use my iPod at work or on the road.
2. I wanted to have identical iTunes libraries on my iBook and iMac.
That being said here is my setup/procedure.
I have the FW HD attached to the iMac via the FW Port. I then have my Mac attached to my "network" a Linksys combo WAP/Cable Router.
My music is in a folder called /myusername/Music/iTunes.
In iTunes on BOTH the iMac and iBook I have my iTunes Music folder (in the iTunes Preferences) set to Firewire HD:myusername:Music:iTunes.
I then do ALL My adding, cataloging, rating and playlists on my iMac and have my DOCK hooked to the iMac and i always sync with the iMac (keeps my iPod from telling me it's associated with other libraries.)
Once I make all my changes, I copy the iTunes library files (located at: iMacHD:myusername:Music:iTunes) you need to copy the files but not the folder located in that iTunes folder. This is your library (an couple of xml files) and if you do this then when you start your iBook you will see the same library that you see on the iMac.
You will need to map the FirewireHD when you want to listen to your music from the iBook...
Did this help at all? I hope so !