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Original poster
Mar 21, 2011
Hi all..

How do you prevent itunes grouping the same/relevant movie/TV shows together ?

Eg... multiple episodes of a TV series, but in Itunes it groups then all under Season x.
Sounds like your tags are messed up. In iTunes, pick one of the episodes, then right click it and select Get Info.
Go to the "Video" tab. There is a field for Season Number.

I believe that fixing the tags here inside of iTunes will only update the data in the library. You can also set the tags in the file itself (so that it would still be correct if you imported it into another iTunes library). THere are many apps that do tagging - I use MetaX.
^ ^ ^

In the iTunes "Get Info" dialog box, you can name the "Show", whether it's a TV show or a series of movies, and any other files with the same show name will be grouped. You can batch-change files to save time. For TV shows with multiple seasons, you can put in a season number and episode number for each file, so that the shows will be listed in the correct running order.

Any change you make in iTunes will only be stored in the iTunes library. If you want to embed the information into the files themselves, use Subler or MetaX to tag the files in the same manner as above. To force iTunes to update the data from the newly tagged files, simply call up the "Get Info" box for each one (individually or as a batch), and it will update.
messed up

I use Identify 2 to tag my files. and description and all comes up ok in Itunes.

The fact as your posting state "this will only effect your itunes library" would that mean ATV wouldn't list them separately ?

Under "Get Info" Video, of the selection, it asks me if i want to edit multiple files (presumably in that season). There are no boxes checked.

btw. two of the shows there is no extra info from Itunes under "get Info" yet they appear on ATV with the leading title "Unknown artist" even though they are clearly added to the TV sections of Itunes... The Media Kind in 'Get Info" is TV Show as changed when i did it with Identify.
ATV gets it's tags from iTunes. I was saying that if you took the files and added them to iTunes on another computer, the tags would not show up unless they were embedded in the file.

"Unknown artist" would display if the Artist field is blank, as I think you said it is.

iTunes will ask if you want to edit multiple files if you have more than one item selected when you "Get Info". It doesn't know the files belong to the same season - it just knows that you have selected more than one item.
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