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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Apr 15, 2005
Houston, Texas
I'm a developer using iTunes Match beta and I am having a problem. First when I turn on Match, iTunes scans my library, uploads everything etc. When I go to my iPhone and turn on Match, I can download any song I want to hear which is pretty cool, with the exception of one album I recently bought on iTunes. That album appears on my iPhone but the tracks are ghosted and there is no cloud link to download the songs. When I went back to my Mac, the songs are ghosted in iTunes as well (although they are still physically on my hard drive) and the only want to play this album is to turn iTunes Match off. Once Match is off I can again play the music on my Mac, but when I turn Match on again, it has to re-scan my ENTIRE library which takes an hour or so.

Anyways, I know iTunes match is still beta but has anybody else experienced anything similar, and if so is there a fix?
Had this happen with a couple of albums and tracks.

My solution was to add the tracks to iTunes again (it creates a bunch of duplicates, disabled iCloud copies and enabled local copies), close iTunes, then reopen it and have it rescan my library. The tracks were then just reuploaded to iCloud and the duplicate copies in the list were merged together.
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