I didn't see anyone else post this and I'm not sure if I'm doing something unethical or if it will come back to bite me later but I am actually enjoying the adventure of trying to get all of the songs that I have that are in the itunes store to match instead of upload. What I did yesterday was upload my 'uploaded' itunes match songs to the google play music service to see if they would match on google's side. I didn't go through all of my 232 songs that were uploaded to determine if they matched on google or not but I redownloaded them from Google, added them to my itunes library and re-ran match. Surprisngly 40 songs that were previously uploaded on itunes match now showed "Matched" status. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with what I did with google or if the songs would have worked had I just re-ran match on the same songs but I just thought I'd pass along my findings...